• Track changes to a db



    I have a db into which my team input certain details. A variety of calculations are then undertaken.

    My problem is that I cannot tell if – and why – a team member has made a change, and if they are not present when i notice the change I have to go back through hard copies of reports to try and find where the discrepencies are.

    Is there any way to track changes made by users to the data in the tables? They use forms to make these changes, and there is really only one or two main tables they would ever alter.

    All help gratefully appreciated….


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    • #510807

      You can “turn on” security for the database. This will cause each user to sign on using an ID. You can add columns to the table that will store the ID and a date that will be populated each time a user makes a chnage.

      If you do not wish to use security, you can use the computer name API to query the computer name of the user and use that to identify each user.

      Hope this helps

      Richard Aheron

      • #510815

        Your network login script may put a variable such as “username” in as an environment variable and you could use this. To find out go to the command prompt (Yes! good old DOS) and type SET.

    • #510843


      Access does not have any tracking possibilities. If you want to track the changes made by users there is only one way to do it right.
      Define an extra table and store all information you want to track in that table. This means a lot of work (you have to program additional lines at every point you want to track changes) and a performance loss of your application.
      Do not forget to include functionality to delete the extra data in the tracking table once in a while and compress your db regularly.
      If you want to thank anyone, thank mister Gates for omitting an essential thing like this in his wonderfull MS Access!

      Software Developer

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