• Today’s date

    • This topic has 5 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    If Access is so smart, why won’t the CTRL-; quick key work for inputting today’s date in a form? It only works when the date has 2 digits in the month and in the day, otherwise the numbers get stuffed in the wrong slot, and you get NO date! Excuse me if this has already been covered…. Russ

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    • #515402

      Hello Russ:
      Actually, I believe the Access Shortcut Key Ctrl; inserts the date in the format designated in Regional Settings Short Date. Any date field in Access will convert it to its default, but — if you have an input mask that conflicts with the the Regional Setting, you will have a problem. There are a number of ways to programatically solve the problem, for example where today’s date is the common entry to a field, you could set it as the default for that field.

      • #518162

        Thanks for the info about Regional settings. Sometimes I forget to look elsewhere for the answer! That helps.

    • #515444

      How about a button next to the field called Today (surprise surprise). OnClick and you insert todays date into the field. Quick and self-explanatory.

      • #518159

        Good answer! That seems to work better than the quick key. Thanks.

    • #518190

      You could put the =date() as a default value for the date field. The current date will always appear and if you need to change it, just type over it.


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