• Titles and Legends Disappear when Printing (2007)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Titles and Legends Disappear when Printing (2007)


    I have a sheet with six graphs and some text boxes. The graphs all have titles, legends, and axis values which I can see when I do a print preview. When I actually print the sheet, the verbiage for the legends, the chart titles, and the axis information are gone. Each data point has a box or a triangle which appears on the print preview but not on the printed document. The text boxes are fine.

    I’ve printed this a couple of different printers and used a couple of different computers–all with the same results.
    Any idean how to get the verbiage to return?:bananas:

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    • #1318445

      Just for fun, I selected one graph and printed it. All the titles, legends, and axes appear normally. Not so when I have several graphs on one page.

    • #1318456

      could you attach a file which demonstrates the problem? You can remove any proprietary informationSteve

    • #1318458

      Just for fun, I selected one graph and printed it.  All the titles, legends, and axes appear normally.  Not so when I have several graphs on one page.

    • #1318469

      Yes you posted that already. Could you attach a file demonstrating the issue?


      • #1318475

        Our proprietary info was removed.

        Thank you for looking at this.

        • #1318489


          I loaded your file into both Excel2007 and Excel2010 and then printed all 9 charts etc on one sheet in both cases without any of your reported issues.
          (I printed to an HP Laserjet 1320)


          • #1318496

            I’m wondering if this is something unique to our network. I’ve printed it to 2 different printers (Brother and Xerox) and both had the same problem.

            • #1318582


              Correction – It was perfectly OK in Excel2003 and Excel2010!!
              I have now replicated your problem with Excel2007.

              I believe the issue is a ‘page setup printer memory’ type i.e. for some reason in Excel2007 alone, the complexity of the nine charts on one page is causing a problem with page makeup for the printer.
              When I use Page Setup to check the tickbox labelled Black and White, the top six charts still had missing titles, axes etc but the bottom three charts on the same printout page were OK.

              So I tried another way:
              I inserted a new sheet (see attached file), and used Excel’s ‘camera tool’ to take a ‘picture’ of the chart range on sheet [Graphs FY12] range [$A$1:$AC$66], placing this ‘picture’ on the new sheet.
              I then printed the sheet containing the ‘picture’ and lo and behold it came out as expected, with all chart legends, titles etc. Go figure!

              For Excel2007 Users, the Excel camera tool (I love it) can be added to your Quick Access Toolbar as follows:
              In the top Ribbon panel, right-click and select Customize the Quick Access Toolbar.[/B]
              Then select click the Choose commands from dropdown and pick the dropdown option Commands Not in the Ribbon.
              Scroll down the alphabetic list to find the Camera and then click the [Add>>] button.

              This doesn’t solve your problem but it might be a workaround.
              Perhaps by reducing chart complexity (getting rid of links in data sources etc??) might help too.


            • #1318652

              Actually I found the solution and fixed the problem. It’s an Excel update from 12/13, KB2596596. If you remove this update, the charts print exactly as they should–and as they did at the beginning of December.
              Mystery solved. Case closed.

            • #1318661


              Top marks for finding the cause!
              I removed the Excel KB2596596 update as per your instruction, and yes indeed the charts now print as required in Excel2007.

              Many thanks for letting us know.


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