Too much political ranting is going on in this forum and in others.
I have no issue with posts concerning Windows issues, vendors, customer service and so forth. Want to voice displeasure or complain about something? Have at it!
But the old advice about not discussing politics or religion at the dinner table should be applied here.
In the past I said that I had not found a reason to mute any AW member. But the constant politically motivated posts that are unrelated to technology or have a tangential fringe relationship are driving me to distraction.
I had hoped to never need the mute button, but I’m reconsidering that.
I strongly suggest that politics has no place in these forums (even here in rants) and that such posts should be prohibited.
Lets all return to the common technology interests that we can share and discuss without having to navigate the divisive political vitriol that is so prevalent these days.
End of my rant.