• The state of Windows 11: A bit slow on the uptake

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    ISSUE 19.41 • 2022-10-10 PUBLIC DEFENDER By Brian Livingston One year after the release of Windows 11, the new operating system is being installed by
    [See the full post at: The state of Windows 11: A bit slow on the uptake]

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    • #2486923

      Counting all versions of Windows running on desktop computers worldwide, Windows 11, with a penetration of 13.6%, has only in the past two months overtaken the users of Windows 7 (10.6%), according to a September 2022 report by Statcounter.

      Only 2.6% in Enterprise.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #2487090

      Looking at Figure 2 in Brian’s piece, I wonder what accounts for the sudden increase in the “Other” OS category in mid-July 2018. If this were merely a chance occurrence, it wouldn’t take four months to return to where it had been before.

    • #2487118

      Many businesses and governments are still using Windows Xp. They are too much invest in manufacturing tools that does not work on newer OS. MS does not seem to understand that. This is why several have stock piles of old computers with Windows xp, 98, plus a few 95.


      For home users, several are still using Windows 7, 8, 8.1 . There are Windows 10 users but they are rarely. I am still using Windows Xp with open source add on for it to work. It works for now…MOBO might be failing soon but have a backup to pull from other machine all set up for that date…Hopefully it does not come any time soon. It is my last MOBO for it. Will have to use another computer that is no my type but it is better than Windows 11 crapware.

      Most windows 11 are only the rich who like to populate the world keep buying new things and not care about the environment. Some are poor that have to choice and need to buy what is there now since their Windows 7 computers have failed.

    • #2487422

      Usually a downward shift in demand for a new product will generate change, but Microsoft seems content to stay the course. There is probably a lot of discussion behind closed doors over W11 between MS reps and their enterprise clients, but I expect the needle does not shift much. MS knows their enterprise clients have invested heavily in the Windows platform, their users are not the ones making the choice(s), and there is nowhere else for them to go. It’s a paradoxical situation with no apparent way out because of contradictory factors that keep them trapped in it  – a catch 22.

    • #2487554

      Well, this is a result of Microsoft creating such restrictive hardware requirements. They must have thought PC users would just go out and buy new hardware just to run a refreshed Windows 10? I really don’t see adoption increasing until Windows 10 reaches end of support. I have a couple of PC’s that can run Windows 11 and its fine, but nothing really to brag on. My other PC’s run Windows 10 and could run Windows 11, but I just don’t care to have them all running Windows 11. Not considering Microsoft’s history of mucking up Windows.

      • #2487635

        Not to mention the garbage general user interface.. barf!
        If I wanted that GUI, I’d get it from using Linux or an Apple Mac.
        What was wrong with the Windows 7 GUI with modern day enhancements? After all, it’s a Windows trademark GUI all the way back to Windows 95 instead of a mashup of clusterdom with missing useful attributes and functions.
        Needless to say, I’m not a fan 🙂

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
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    • #2487672

      Due to tumbling Windows PCs sales Intel to layoff thousand of employees.

    • #2488625

      It seems its just a push for trusted computing. Thats why the tpm requirement and pluton in future cpus is concerning since this fight has been going on for like 20 years.

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