• The chip times are a-changin’

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    Intel’s going to manufacture a fancy ARM chip, but the situation’s not as simple as you might think. InfoWorld Tech Watch
    [See the full post at: The chip times are a-changin’]

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    • #53896

      Let’s also include some changes on the Intel side of tablet chipsets. The Cloverdale Intel Atom Chips couldn’t run full-scale Linux. But with 2GB of RAM and Bay Trail Intel Atom processors, the Dell Venue and a few others, will be able to run full-scale desktop versions of Linux as well as the included Android 4.2 tablet OS. This in addition to the fact that the Venue Pro already is running Windows 8.1 (Pro?) on a Bay Trail Atom processor.

      ARM tablets with 2GB of RAM could run Ubuntu Linux if this distro were ported to ARM. Currently, this is still a work in progress.

      Linux cannnot be installed on Windows 8.0/8.1 RT or Pro tablets unless Secure Boot is disabled by the user.

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