• That darned ***asterisk*** !!! (All )


    I had a user call me this morning with what I believed to be a simple question – “how do I search for (and eliminate) asterisks in Access records?” I remembered that somewhere I used [*] to find asterisks (I thought in Access) but this didn’t work. I did find some solutions in code in this forum, and did learn something new, that ~* will find asterisks in Excel, but isn’t there an equally simple method for Access? If not, I wonder why the **** not 🙁



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    • #616600


      It appears there is a way. Well, at least three ways. Please see the KB article here for more.



    • #616620

      The following function will remove asterisks:

      – Create a Module (I called it Asterisk)
      – Copy the below code to the module and save it
      – Create a query that has the fields with an Asterisk in them. Put SubC(Field) as the data and run the query. The Asterisks will be removed.



      Function SubC(txt As String) As String

      ‘The following function removes all asterisks from fields
      ‘Programmed by G. Swanson – 9/13/2002

      Dim x As Integer ‘ Use to set to length of string being evaluated
      Dim temp As String ‘ Use to store field while removing asterisks

      ‘Test for “[*]” in string

      For x = 1 To Len(Trim(txt)) ‘ X is set to the length of the field being evaluated
      If Not Mid(txt, x, 1) Like “[*]” Then ‘ If the character is not equal to * then build temp
      temp = temp & Mid(txt, x, 1)
      Else: ‘ Do Nothing
      End If
      Next x

      ‘Reset the value of SubC to be passed to the query
      SubC = temp

      ‘Note – If all data is ***** then function returns a null value

      End Function

      • #616634

        Thanks for all of the help!

        • #616778

          From A2K and up you can use the builtin Replace function, e.g.

          Replace(“aaaa***xxx*yyy'”,”*”,””) evaluates to “aaaaxxxyyy”

          • #617040

            Thats interesting. I receive an error message when using the replace function as you did using the “*” in A2k.

            [*], “[*]”, and every other combination I could think of doesn’t work either. Any ideas on why the replace function on my machine does not work?

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