• Text with Line Breaks (Word 2003 )


    In Word 97 you could save a document as Text Only with Line Breaks or MS-Dos Text with Line Breaks. I can’t seem to find an equivalent in Word 2003. Suggestions?

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    • #1044354

      If you select Unformatted text (*.txt) as file type in the Save As dialog, then click Save, you should get the File Conversion dialog, with options for line breaks etc.

      • #1044421

        I don’t get Unformatted text as an option, only Plain text so I tried that but I don’t get a File Conversion dialog. I’ve also tried MS Dos text with layout and Text with layout options. None give me a File Conversion option or the line breaks I need. Any other ideas?


        • #1044426

          I can’t test on Word 2003 (I’m using Word 2002 at the moment), perhaps someone with Word 2003 can jump in and help you.

        • #1044431

          When I save a Word document as Plain Text (*.txt) under Word 2003, I get this dialog box. Do you not get this?

          • #1044434

            No, I don’t. I’ve ensured that Confirm conversion at Open is checked in the Tools==>Options==>General tab. What else am I missing?

            • #1044439

              How strange.

              The only I can think of is the optional text converters during the Word installation, can you check that you installed all of these.


            • #1044540

              In our “normal” situation I don’t get this conversion dialog either when I try to SaveAs a text file. But using the Ctrl key to start Word in safe mode as Klaus suggested did bring up that dialog, so the conversion filters are installed.
              Maybe this is caused by the “hijacking” of the SaveAs (and Save) command to do some extra checking before the actual save, which is done using Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs).
              Any ideas how to restore the conversion dialog functionality while keeping the SaveAs command hijacked?

            • #1044548

              Dialogs(wdDialogFileSaveAs) bypasses the convert file dialog, and there is no wdDialog constant that displays the convert file dialog, so I don’t see a workaround. sad

            • #1044865

              I was afraid of that, but thanks anyway Hans.

            • #1044609

              Yesterday I tried adding features for text converters and graphic filters and chose Run all from My Computer. That didn’t help.

            • #1044532

              And if you start Word in safe mode (hold the Ctrl key while starting Word), does it work then?
              (You’ll have to re-check Tools > Options > General > Confirm conversion on open)

              Might be an add-in…

              cheers Klaus

            • #1044611

              Thanks for the suggestion.

              Starting Word in Safe Mode, I did get the File Conversion dialog box on saving so that helps. Is there a setting that would allow this to be the default for any text file? Our staff won’t be happy about having to start Word in Safe Mode when they need this feature.

              P.S. I have Word 2002 at home and I get the File Conversion dialog box on saving any text file. ARRGH!

            • #1044612

              Try following the instructions in Systematic Approach to Behavioral Problems in Word to see if you can identify which add-in is causing the problem.


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