• Text form fields and character style (2003/SP2)

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    Edited by HansV to replace long URL with short clickable link to post

    I’m creating a simple form on which users will enter text. I want the text the users enter to look different from the text I’m using (so that it’s easy to tell where my question ends and their answer begins).

    Following HansV’s tip at post 470091 I have created a character style (“FieldText”, Times New Roman 11pt) to apply to text form fields. The underlying paragraph style is Body Text (Arial 10pt)

    Here’s what happens:

    1. I insert a form field
    2. I select the form field and apply the style FieldText. At this point I already have a problem. On the formatting toolbar the dropdown “font” window is blank, as if the selected field has more than one font in it.
    3. I protect the form. Now the selected field does show a font, but it’s MS Mincho, not Times New Roman. Anything I type in the field is in MS Mincho.

    My question: Where is this extra font coming from, and how can I properly apply my character style to the field without interference?


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    • #1061251

      The same happens to me; I don’t know where the MS Mincho comes from. But try the following:
      – Unprotect the document.
      – Press Alt+F9 to display field codes.
      – Select a form field including the field braces { }.
      – Apply the FieldText style.
      – Repeat for the other form fields.
      – Press Alt+F9 to hide field codes.
      – Protect the document for forms.

      • #1061254

        No change, unfortunately. I’m going to keep playing with this and see if anything comes up.

        • #1061255

          One more thing to try: after applying the style to the form fields and hiding field codes, but before protecting the document, select all form fields and press F9 to update them (warning: this will remove any text that had already been entered in the form fields).

    • #1061422

      We too had problems regarding FormFields and MS Mincho when we updated from Office97 to Office2003. We eventually decided to remove MS Mincho from our PC’s and that resulted in the Arial font being replaced by Arial Unicode. See my post 354,936.

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    You can use BBCodes to format your content.
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