• Test on Sheet Names (English_XL97_SR2)


    Is it possible to test the existence of a sheet name? I have written the following code but would like a message box to appear if the sheet name selected does not exits.

    Sub TestSheetName()
    Dim PromptTab As String
    PromptTab = Application.InputBox(“Enter Tab Name”)
    End Sub

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    • #542081

      Try this:

      Sub TestSheetName()
      Dim PromptTab As String
      Dim oSheet As Worksheet
          PromptTab = Application.InputBox("Enter Tab Name")
          On Error Resume Next
          Set oSheet = Worksheets(PromptTab)
          On Error GoTo 0
          If oSheet Is Nothing Then
              MsgBox "That sheet does not exist"
          End If
      End Sub
      • #542084

        Thanks…it works.

      • #542116

        I have a dislike for using “On Error” for checking the existance of something- though it is unavoidable at times. It’s possible that an error is something different from what I expect.

        In this case, I’d prefer to do it this way:

        Dim indx As Integer
        Dim Found As Boolean
        Dim PromptTab As String
          Found = False
          PromptTab = Application.InputBox("Enter Tab Name")
          For indx = 1 To Worksheets.Count
            If Worksheets(indx).Name = PromptTab Then
              Found = True
            End If
          If Not Found Then
            MsgBox "That worksheet does not exist"
          End If
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