• Templates & Print Options


    Word 97. Have a Word letterhead template document that is available to many users on our network. Trying to add the “Manual Feed” Print option to the template at the Default Tray box. When added, the option doesn’t ‘stick’ after the template is closed; next time the template is opened, the Default Try setting is back to Use Printer Settings. Thanks.

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    • #509895

      Your suggestion worked perfectly. Thanks very much.

    • #509910

      Because the default tray is controlled by the printer driver, and the printer driver is a separate program from MS Word, the manual feed print option would not be stored in an MS Word Template. That’s why it doesn’t “stick”. Depending upon how the printer driver stores its settings (registry, glossary etc.) you might be able to write some VBA code that tweeks the settings for you. However any tweeks you make will be global to the machine that runs your VBA macro. If you take that route you should store the the users existing setting in your macro and restore them after printing. Also because this hypothetical macro can only be particular to a specific printer driver it would be useless on a network with a different printer and on computers that did not have exactly the same printer driver.

      If you interested in exploring the VBA route you might be able to get some ideas from appendix C “Getting the Installed Printers” from “Learning Word Programming” by Steven Roman (published by O’Reilly).


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