• Tell if an excel file has external links

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » Visual Basic for Applications » Tell if an excel file has external links


    Hi All!

    I’m looking for a way (in VBA) of telling if an excel file has links to other spreadsheets. Basically, I want to put this into a vba function and then do something like …

    if doesThisFileHaveExternalLinks then
        msgbox "external links detected ... this is bad"

    Oh – while I am here – I guess I will shortly be looking for a way of listing these external links .


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    • #1225559

      XL2003 has a Link Sources method that returns an array of links in a workbook.
      I haven’t tested it, but I suspect it may not find every type of link possible.
      For something quick and dirty you can do a UsedRange search for a bracket… “[”
      Jim Cone
      Portland, Oregon
      XL add-ins

    • #1225599

      This is what I ended up using

      Public Function isHaveLinkedCells() As Boolean
      Dim lCell As Variant
      Dim lCells As Range
      Dim lSheet As Object
      Dim lLinkTest As Integer
      ' remember the current location
      ' StoreCurrent   0 Then
                      isHaveLinkedCells = True
                      GoTo TheEnd
                  End If
          End If
      'ReturnToCurrent  ' you can guess what this does
      On Error GoTo 0
      End Function
    • #1225607

      Suggest you change…
      lLinkTest = InStr(1, lCell.Value, “.xls]”)

      lLinkTest = InStr(1, lCell.Formula, “.xls]”)

      Also that check will always return 0 for a xl2007 workbook extension.
      You might want to just check for both a bracket and an exclamation point.

      Your check will be quick but not complete as you can also have links in charts, shapes, hyperlinks, names, pivot tables and ?
      Jim Cone
      Portland, Oregon USA
      ( Special Sort add-in )

      • #1229027

        lLinkTest = InStr(1, lCell.Formula, “.xls]”)

        Yeah – sloppy testing on my behalf. Just found out the above fix during a live demo … sigh.

        Also that check will always return 0 for a xl2007 workbook extension.
        You might want to just check for both a bracket and an exclamation point.

        Your check will be quick but not complete as you can also have links in charts, shapes, hyperlinks, names, pivot tables and ?
        Jim Cone
        Portland, Oregon USA
        ( Special Sort add-in )

        correct – but good enough for what I am after as I am only interested in links in cells.

        Thanks for your comments.

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