• Tasks for the weekend – July 3, 2021 – Taming Word

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    Youtube Video here Recently Word (and Outlook) has added a new feature that it “predicts” what you are typing and urges you to hit tab to speed it up.
    [See the full post at: Tasks for the weekend – July 3, 2021 – Taming Word]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2375516

      This predictive behaviour is absolutely one of the most annoying things. Some programs even require you to go back and remove the wrong thing it predicted if you don’t want it. At minimum, it should initially be off when added during program updates, and preferably for new installs too.

    • #2375524


      Thank you VERY MUCH for this tip. You don’t know just how annoying that “FEATURE” really is. GOod to see it GONE ! ! ! !


    • #2375526

      An “innovative” AI solution looking for a problem to solve?  I wonder if the programmers received a bonus for this annoyance.

      3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2375530

      I find predictive text quite helpful.  I got used to it in texting on my Windows 10 Phone, and it speeds up the “creative” process for me quite a bit.   The same predictive text feature can be enabled in Notepad, which also carries it into the realm of typing in a text box such as this.  I’m seeing the predictive text as I type this.

      For me, it is not annoying in the least, nor intrusive.  On the contrary I find it quite helpful, particularly when I’m questioning my spelling of a word; it’s right there, correctly spelled, and all I have to do is select it.  Indeed, I’ve read many an article online in which I might have wished that the author had used predictive text.

      And as always, YMMV.

      Always create a fresh drive image before making system changes/Windows updates; you may need to start over!
      We all have our own reasons for doing the things that we do with our systems; we don't need anyone's approval, and we don't all have to do the same things.
      We were all once "Average Users".

    • #2375544

      Thanks for this,

      Can anyone also tell me how to turn off the “where you left off” when opening the same document again?

      I followed some steps listed before but it seems to keep coming back.  Is there an option/setting somewhere to prevent it permanently or does it have to be re-applied every update?

      • #2375589

        @Sproots –

        Disabling the feature permanently for all documents throughout Word can be done, BUT: 1. You will need to edit an entry’s Permissions in the registry, not for the faint of heart. 2. You will need to be logged in as an Administrator (or provide an Administrator’s credentials at the UAC prompt) to be able to edit the registry.

        Full instructions can be found at the following link from AddictiveTips.com:


        • #2375593

          Yeah Thanks,

          That’s the one I followed before.  But it seems it either didn’t take or Office Updates are overwriting it again.

          I’ll reapply and check closely next update to see if it gets overwritten.

          • #2375597

            Just remember to click the “OK” button after placing a check mark in the box labeled “Replace all child object permission entries…”

            Once when I changed a folder’s access permissions, which brings up the same box, I didn’t click the “OK” button, I clicked the “Cancel” button. I was then wondering why my “changes” hadn’t taken! Felt embarrassed once I figured it out!  🙂  😉

    • #2375545

      For me predictive behavior is as annoying as autocorrect! I appreciate having words underlined but let me decide what I want to say or how I want something spelled.

      example: Two of us in different states are  working on a database and emailing results. The surname is Koren. The autocorrect keeps insisting it is Korean. I have it turned off but the woman emailing me doesn’t so when I saw her complaint about autocorrect, I knew I didn’t have the wrong surname. With 603 people it makes a huge difference if the spelling of a maiden or married name is incorrect!

      Got coffee?

    • #2375590

      Is there available a ‘local dictionary’ function, which supports one’s insertion of a word whose spelling is to be accepted over-and-above the entries in the standard dictionary?

      • #2375592

        There should be–I used to have access to a personal dictionary when I ran Word 2010 before dumping Office altogether when I made the jump to Windows 10.

        At this time, I don’t recall specifically where I found it and populated it initially. I seem to recall, though, being able to right click on a word that Word thought I had misspelled and picking “Add to Dictionary” from a list. See if that works.

        If not, you may have to run the built-in spell checker on your document. When the spell checker gets to the “misspelled” word, the grammar and spelling box should have a choice on a button labeled “Add to Dictionary” somewhere on the right side of the box. Make sure the word in question is highlighted and click that button.

    • #2376070

      I assume this will appear only in ClickToRun versions, and not MSI versions of Office (eg. 2016)? Or will they patch it in? (Need to find an ADMX to block it out if so.)

      No matter where you go, there you are.

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