• TaskArrange v1.1.1


    Cool find, Alan. I’ve always wanted to sort items in the task bar! Think I’m going to abuse it grin.

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    • #996230

      Elias Fotinis TaskArrange is a simple utility that lets you rearrange the buttons of the Windows taskbar.

      “Sometimes we open our programs in a specific sequence, to keep their taskbar buttons in a desired order. But what happens if a program crashes or we close it, and then we open it again? That’s right – its task button ends up last in the taskbar. Windows itself does not allow us to move the task buttons around, so we are stuck with two options: either accept the new order, or close everything and reopen them in the preferred order. TaskArrange brings an end to this annoyance, by letting us do exactly what we want: reorder the task buttons.”



      • #996788

        This is great! I’ve been known to close all applications and start over, just to get the task buttons back in the proper order.

        • #996958

          I’m with you, Samantha… How obsessive-compulsive can we be!?! laugh

          This little tool will definitely make my life easier! cheers

      • #997037

        Two interesting alternative that uses drag and drop.
        Taskbar++ . Initial interface is Japanese but could be switched to English from the Option > etc tab. It uses Alt+Drag and Drop. There are visual clues that can be set to aid in detecting if the drag and drop is already functioning. It takes a little bit of practice to get the hang of it. The group similar task button should be disable first to make it function.

        Groupbar – this one is still in beta but looks promising specially if you are using multi-monitor or frequently shuffling between group/set of arranged windows. The download link page seemed to be not working. Here is another page to get the download, just scroll down to Groupbar and take it from there.

        Both are freewares aswell.

      • #997094

        OK, I’m gonna come out of the closet too! It’s comforting to see others “testifying” to this behaviour and I’ve kept quiet about my compulsion for a long time. Just tried the utility and it’ll be nice to have it around and not have to do, as Samantha does, close several apps just to get the Taskbar showing the way I want. Thanks Alan…
        blush thankyou

        • #997095

          I’d never have thought I would see YOU coming out of the closet, Al! evilgrin

      • #997661

        Hi –

        I’ve installed TaskArrange and am missing something about its use. I arrange the order as desired, hit OK. All is fine. BUT, if I open another file, the button appears in the right-most position, even though I’ve indicated AOL should be at the

        • #997667

          The program only arranges the buttons. It will not force new buttons to open between two applications that are already running. The only way new buttons will appear between two buttons is if your task bar is configured to “Group similar taskbar buttons”. This would be a function of Windows and not TaskArrange

      • #1087476

        I thought I’d make a post in this old thread just in case any of you who were interested in Alan’s topic of task bar arranging in THIS thread hadn’t noticed his post 677,264 recently. I have really been impressed with this Taskbar Shuffle program and it has displaced the earlier recommendation for me. The fact that it also easily allows you to manipulate the items in the Tray is a BIG added feechur. Just in case you fanatics hadn’t noticed the thread…

        • #1087492

          I’m also liking the Taskix program, to arrange tasks within groups. Groups of tasks with identical names have driven me mad since they were invented. This restores some degree of sanity!


          • #1087520


            Groups of tasks with identical names have driven me mad since they were invented.

            [/indent]Groups alone drive me mad. The additional click required to first select the group, then the task, gets my nerves on. I’d have believed most people (no, I won’t say freaks!) here shared this thought (mania?), but having Alan on the opposite side definetly tears my theory asunder.

        • #1087515


          Based on your recommendation (some people would rather fight than switch), I thought I’d give Taskbar Shuffle a shot. When I went to download it from freewebs.com, I got a msg from Internet Explorer saying my Internet settings prevented the file from being downloaded. I found freewebs.com in my list of restricted sites. Not sure what I would change to get around that (eg, signed/unsigned ActiveX controls) or I could just remove the site entirely from the list. But it doesn’t seem like having the site in the list (and I didn’t put it there) is a good thing.

          So what about it made you switch?


          • #1087516

            I don’t know about that restriction you encountered since I use Firefox and didn’t have any trouble. The reason I like this shuffle thing better is that it doesn’t require any GUI menu and up/down clicking. You just drag-n-drop the elements on the Task Bar, simple and very fast.

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