• Targeted zero-day vulnerabilities; will more attacks be seen soon?

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    PATCH WATCH By Susan Bradley Solutions for six exploited vulnerabilities are included in this month’s patch releases. Months like these always leave m
    [See the full post at: Targeted zero-day vulnerabilities; will more attacks be seen soon?]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2371279

      You say, “If you use a third-party security program, you are not at risk because Defender will have been disabled when the other program was installed.”

      I see that all the time, and I’m still not sure it’s true. Windows Defender does and records scans frequently on my 3 PCs (W10 Pro 20H2), and Malwarebytes Premium functions beautifully alongside WD. Malwarebytes (the company) assures users that MWBP is completely compatible with WD. I have the MWB-settings switch “Always register … in the Security Center” off.

      I can run scans on demand in either of these AVs, and File Explorer context menu clicks let me scan individual files (downloads, especially) with either or both.

      Could we get the record set straight to my own and others’ satisfaction now?

      (In the image, the faint icon for MWBP is far left. My choice of accent color makes it almost, but not completely, invisible.)



    • #2371527


      Malwarebytes is the exception. Installed 3rd party A/Vs disable Defender real time protection. Stand alone/On Demand/Portable A/Vs, don’t.
      You can however run periodic Defender scans.

      • #2371535

        Thanks, Alex,

        I just wish we could get the record completely clear on this. Admittedly, I have set exclusions for both Defender and MBAM, but they’re easy to set, and the details are readily available on the Web. Most users don’t even have to set any exclusions in order to have Defender and MBAM run in real time alongside each other. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

        These shots are from my primary PC. I think they’re conclusive evidence that the two run together.

        MWB2 WD2

    • #2371604

      I quoted Susan’s article above. She says, “The mpengine.dll file provides the scanning, detection, and cleaning capabilities for Microsoft antivirus and antispyware software and can be used by attackers to gain access to your system. … This attack cannot be done via a worm. User interaction, such as clicking on a malicious document, is needed to trigger this exploit. If you use a third-party security program, you are not at risk because Defender will have been disabled when the other program was installed.

      I think that pretty much qualifies as a disagreement.

    • #2371623

      Thanks for the pointers to Qs on Running Windows Defender & Malwarebytes Premium and Register Malwarebytes Premium in Windows 10 security center ?

      I think you’ll agree that those discussions reveal a lot of confusion about using MBAM with WD successfully. I guess my only surviving point is that it CAN be done, and, of course, it IS done by many. many knowledgeable Windows 10 users.

      Have a good one.




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