• Table Equation

    • This topic has 2 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    OK…so I am a dummy….my table has 1)AmtDue, 2)AmtPaid and 3)Balance. I know in a form you can make the calculation–AmtDue-AmtPaid….but can this be done in the table itself?

    I tried putting AmtDue-AmtPaid in the “default” of the Balance field, but it bombed.


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    • #520475


      I don’t know of a way to build an equation like that into the construct of a table, nor am I sure you’d really want to. You can use an update query to set the balance field = to [AmtDue]-[AmtPaid], but for my money, I’d calculate that bit of information on the fly in your queries, forms and reports. 2cents

      • #520480

        You’re right Roberta, it’s not the way to do it frown But I must ask, how are you updating the AmtPaid field in the table ? I assume if there is an outstanding balance, you would expect more than one payment, correct ? If you already have a means of increasing the amount paid (through a form perhaps?), you should use the same method to adjust the Balance field. But I wouldn’t recommend you continue down this path doh

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