• Tabbed browsing in IE 6 (SP2)


    I just downloaded the latest version of the MSN toolbar, and it has tabbed browsing! Woohoo! Has anyone else tried this? There’s a big blue plus sign that opens a new tab when you click on it, and there are option settings that allow you to say what happens when you do click on it. It also has a form filler that, IMO. is much better than the Google form filler. Two things about the Google form filler really tick me off. One, if you fill out a form and it has an error, the form filler will reset all the fields so that you have to fill out the entire form again. I’ve discussed this with Goog tech support people and they say it’s meant to work that way and they have no intention of changing it. The MSN toolbar has an option to not do that. Second, the Googs won’t allow you to store the 3-digit security code from the back of your card in its credit card info.. The MSN form filler will allow you to do that.

    You can get the new MSN toolbar at http://toolbar.msn.com[/url%5D. I’d love to hear other Loungers’ experiences and opinions.

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    • #993410

      Hi Andrew
      But why would you want to do that when you can use firefox?

      • #993416

        I thought I made that clear in my original post. I think the Google toolbar sucks, and the MSN one is much better. The tabbed browsing is an added bonus.

        • #993431

          Sorry, Andrew. I was just being flippant.

        • #993454

          Realize that critcizing anything Google does is heretical evilgrin and can bring severe flaming in most of the known universe grin. I use the MSN toolbar at work and home. Use the Google toolbar at work. The MSN toolbar seems to work just fine. You might want to try the phishing filter addin too. I really don’t use tabbed browsing at home as I don’t want yet another ‘toolbar’. At work I run the IE 7 Beta which has tabbed browsing builtin.



          • #993564

            Well, Joe, my skin is so thick I can take pretty much anything! I’m not a Google hater but I do hate Google sycophants (and Firefox sycophants). There’s good in everything as well as bad, and I was just looking for some opinions on the MSN toolbar and its tabbed browsing. Seems like either no one has tried them or won’t say anything good ‘cos it’s an MS product.

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