• ‘System cleanup’ option missing on some Win7 PCs

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    ‘System cleanup’ option missing on some Win7 PCs

    By Fred Langa

    Win7 is supposed to have a space-saving ‘Clean up system files’ option, just as in Win8/10. If it doesn’t, here’s another effective clean-up method. Plus: Customizing Windows’ hidden master-admin account, a one-step shortcut for Win10 upgrades, a Win7 feature that’s missing in Win8/10, and “powerline networking.”

    The full text of this column is posted at windowssecrets.com/langalist-plus/system-cleanup-option-missing-on-some-win7-pcs/ (paid content, opens in a new window/tab).

    Columnists typically cannot reply to comments here, but do incorporate the best tips into future columns.

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    • #1530511

      Hi Fred – A quick further question about powerline networking: I live in a condo apartment in a building containing 48 units, each with its own electric meter housed centrally within the building. Would powerline network signals in my condo find their way into the other units in the building? Thanks, Clayton Foster

    • #1530517

      On Powerline – fully agree, Fred. I attached my TV to the network with Powerline. It’s much more reliable than wireless and securing it is just one extra step. I use a NAS for sharing video, photos and such and this was by far the easiest way to connect the TV.

      To Frosty, I live in a condo. As Fred noted, you can encrypt the signal so no one else with the tech can read your traffic. This is more localized than wireless.

    • #1530538

      In the piece “Powerline networking works where Wi-Fi fails” a user mentioned they installed a WiFi extender near their TV in an attempt at getting better WiFi service. One thing they should try is moving the extender midway between the WiFi source and the TV.

      Putting the extender near the TV won’t help much. The signal from the extender will be stronger but the signal it is extending is very weak so the net effect is very little change.

      If you move the extender closer to the source you will split the difference and even though the extender’s signal might be weaker the signal it is extending should be stronger.

      Would you put a WiFi extender near your TV if the WiFi signal source is 10 miles away? Of course not. You need to have a good enough signal to extend in the first place.

    • #1530545

      ‘System cleanup’ option missing on some Win7 PCs

      By Fred Langa

      Win7 is supposed to have a space-saving ‘Clean up system files’ option, just as in Win8/10.

      … a strange problem …

      That’s really odd, Larry. …

      Clearly, your Win7 update failed, …

      There’s really no mystery here.

      If UAC is off (or if Disk Cleanup is run as administrator), the ‘Clean up system files’ elevation button is not there as you already have direct access to the system files categories.

      • #1530886

        There’s really no mystery here.

        If UAC is off (or if Disk Cleanup is run as administrator), the ‘Clean up system files’ elevation button is not there as you already have direct access to the system files categories.

        I was just about to post a similar comment, although I didn’t know that one’s UAC setting is also part of the equation.

        I had tried the various suggestions, including uninstalling KB2852386 and re-installing it via the Windows Update site (Result = Successful), yet I still could not see the button labeled “Clean up system files”. I now know the reason: I have a shortcut to CleanMgr.exe saved to my Start Menu. I have always been in the habit of right-clicking this shortcut and selecting the “Run as administrator” option.

        This morning I tried running it as a normal user, without using the Run as administrator option. And “wa-la!”, I now saw that elusive button! The display included only a single tab (“Disk Cleanup”), along with a listing of the files to delete. When I clicked on this button, a new scan was initiated. This time, the resulting dialog did not show the “Clean up system files” button, but it does include a second tab, “More Options”, which one never sees if run as a normal user.


    • #1530968

      Don’t know if anyone else’s Win 7 works this way but when I bring up Disk Cleanup by right clicking C: drive and going to properties, the first window that comes up does not have the “Clean System Files” button. If I run the regular Cleanup, then the Results window that comes up has the button for Clean System Files on it. I’m using an administrator account too.

      Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
      • #1530970

        Don’t know if anyone else’s Win 7 works this way but when I bring up Disk Cleanup by right clicking C: drive and going to properties, the first window that comes up does not have the “Clean System Files” button. If I run the regular Cleanup, then the Results window that comes up has the button for Clean System Files on it. I’m using an administrator account too.

        I think that’s the way it works for everyone on Windows 7, 8 or 10.

        • #1532618

          Hi Fred: Regarding changing the background color of applications (A Win7 feature that’s missing in Win8/10). This was not a Win7-specific Aero desktop feature. It is feature that has been available in Windows versions going all the way back to Windows 95. It disappeared with the introduction of Windows 8 and doesn’t appear to be coming back any time soon. It seems that the programmer designers at Microsoft feel that stark white backgrounds work well for those with great eyesight. Others may choose to dim their monitors or select the only other option going to high-contrast. This is just another good reason to stick with Windows 7 for as long as possible.

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