• sync/time problem

    • This topic has 4 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 24 years ago.

    I recently been noticing that my palm is running 1 hour ahead, which I have manually reset. I now discover that when I sync, the clock advances ahead 1 hour. (The time on my PC is the correct time when syncing) Any ideas how I can fix this problem?

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    • #1778732

      I’ve had the same problem with my Palm IIIx in the past. Can’t say I have any idea why, but I did a hotsync and then a soft reset and it’s been fine ever since(unscrew end of sylus and use point to quickly push button on back of Palm. Don’t hold it down too long or you remove everything! One quick push is usually all that’s needed.

      • #1778846

        When resetting, the length of time you push the button is irrelevant. On PalmOS devices, there are three types of reset: soft, warm, and hard.

        A soft reset is the most common and causes no loss of data. To do this you simply insert the reset pin into its slot on the back of your unit.

        A warm reset also saves all of your data, but doesn’t load any extensions when it starts up. Think of it as a ‘safe mode’ start up for your Palm. These aren’t dangerous but can cause problems in some software. To do a warm reset follow the procedure above but hold the ‘up’ button while pushing the pin.

        Finally, a hard reset erases everything in your RAM and returns the unit back to factory settings. There are several reasons why someone might want to do this, such as if they were selling their unit and wanted to wipe all of their data. After a hard reset there is *no* way to get back your data unless it is backed up on your computer, or, for Visors, possibly on a Backup Module. To do a hard reset push the reset pin in while holding down the power button. When you release the power button a screen will come up asking if you’re sure you want to do a hard reset.

        The only reason I can think of for your time problem is perhaps a time zone setting.

        • #1778928

          Thanks for the correct info on the Hard Reset.

          My Palm (IIIx) doesn’t have any settings for time zone but computer obviously does and Palm-linked software (I have Franklin Covey)links diredtly into computer time with no options to change. For time “sticking” on the Palm – could moving back and forth between time zones cause the problem? As stated before, soft reset eliminated it and I hope it works for sue.

          Also, I had another time when the date was stuck on a day behind. Kept resetting to correct date to no avail. Soft reset to the rescue again. Never did find out why it happened either, though.

          • #1779409

            I had that happen too – Palm showing one hour ahead of PC after hot sync. Problem seemed to be in the Time Sync add on that comes with BackypBuddy. If you have “adjust for Daylight Savings Time – DST” enabled, it automatically adds the hour without regard for whether you’re in DST or not.

            I disabled that, as the PC with Windows ME automatically accounts for DST anyway, and the problem no longer occurs.

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