• Susan gives the go-ahead for installing this month’s patches

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    Susan just posted an update on her Master Patch List: Note added 1/21/2019: While Woody is still at Defcon 2, I have tested and installed these update
    [See the full post at: Susan gives the go-ahead for installing this month’s patches]

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    • #314723

      Prefer as always to wait for your  ‘ go ahead ‘ Woody,as i’ll rather skip any bugs.

      Windows 7,Home Premium 64 bit - Lenovo laptop
      Group A - Intel (R)Core i7 Processors -

      ASUS Chromebook C213 12.5 inch
      64GB memory .

      iphone 6,need to upgrade soon,bugger !

      Reeder M7 Go 2019 Tablet !

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #314725

        Ditto Joulia S.  HP ZBook, Win 7 Pro x64 SP1, Grp. A, i7core Haswell. Home user and will await Woody elevating the DEFCON level. No hurry.

      • #315392

        Thanks, but I’m with  Joulia.S. I’ll keep my Aluminum Hat on until the all-clear. As you know, I’m a last adopter.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #317041

        I’ve got a KB971033 Windows update showing in my WU that nothing has been said about.  Is this one okay?  I seem to recall just deleting something like this from my Installed Windows Updates just recently.

        Being 20 something in the 70's was far more fun than being 70 something in the insane 20's
        • #317043

          That is the MS Windows Activiation Technologies patch. Best to hide it. Search that KB number on this site for more information.

          3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #314736

      Windows 1809 had this treatment before as far as I know.
      Probably less so for the other Windows 10 releases.

    • #314800

      I think it would be helpful, at this point in time, if there was a clear statement on the status of the Activation Verification issue and the subsequent hotfix.  Is the hotfix still needed?  If so, should it be installed before the Security Only or the Security Rollup updates?  Does the answer to these first two questions depend on whether one is in Group A or Group B?  Does this whole thing require Woody writing a January 2019 Windows Updates for Dummies book 🙂 ?  Thanks.

      • #315288

        If you are in a peer to peer situation where you access another computer and you are local admin, the hotfix and/or the Win7 preview update is needed.  If you are in a domain network (like I am in the office) it’s not.

        The activation issue was only for KMS licensed computers in enterprises, it did not impact consumers at all.  The issue has been cleared up.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        5 users thanked author for this post.
        • #315329

          Susan, Thanks for the clarification.

      • #317050

        Which activation hotfix? KB971033?
        This reply from @PKCano is clear enough I think and this issue has been address many times on this forum.
        There is no relation with Group A or the misleading procedure named Group B which gives a false sense of security in most situations for casual users.
        KB971033 was released in 2010, has never been revised since then and has no relation at all to the current updates.

    • #314847

      I remember seeing several comments about problems with this month’s Windows 7 Security Only and S&Q Rollup and also a couple of people that said they have had problems with IE 11.

      Do not remember seeing afterwards any postings indicating that these were fixed. Anybody else remembers this? If so, what has happened with those issues? Have they been solved?

      Ex-Windows user (Win. 98, XP, 7); since mid-2017 using also macOS. Presently on Monterey 12.15 & sometimes running also Linux (Mint).

      MacBook Pro circa mid-2015, 15" display, with 16GB 1600 GHz DDR3 RAM, 1 TB SSD, a Haswell architecture Intel CPU with 4 Cores and 8 Threads model i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz.
      Intel Iris Pro GPU with Built-in Bus, VRAM 1.5 GB, Display 2880 x 1800 Retina, 24-Bit color.
      macOS Monterey; browsers: Waterfox "Current", Vivaldi and (now and then) Chrome; security apps. Intego AV

    • #314942

      January 8, 2019—KB4480970 (Monthly Rollup)
      “Applications that use a Microsoft Jet database with the Microsoft Access 97 file format may fail to open if the database has column names greater than 32 characters. The database will fail to open with the error, “Unrecognized Database Format”.”

      I would like to see a clear statement about the above — Microsofts suggestion about modifying the database is not good enough. What happens if the modification breaks the database. Modification of the database requires extensive verification be undertaken afterwoods. Fixing the faulty KB4480970 would be a better way to go

      Besides this fault there are three others !!!!!!!!!!!

      I will not install this until it is fixed



      • #315287

        Do you have Access 97 databases on your system?  If so, then don’t install.  If you don’t have one, it’s perfectly fine to install the update.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #316682

          I do not agree!!!!!!!!!!!!!

          Why install an update that has a major flaw in it thus making your computer unable to work with jet databases. And yes some of the computers I am responsible for do use .mdb databases. I am trying to find out just which version database it is.


    • #315159

      I agree with the above comment. Why didn’t MS pull the Win 7 update and fix it instead of issuing ” silver bullet” patches to fix the problem. Come on MS, let’s do it the right way instead of putting out patches to fix the patches.

    • #315384

      Has this been fixed? So far, I have seen no information on fixes:


      I  seem to remember also a problem with the January patch for IE11, but not the details.


      Group B. Windows Pro, SP1, x64, I-7 “sandy bridge”

      Ex-Windows user (Win. 98, XP, 7); since mid-2017 using also macOS. Presently on Monterey 12.15 & sometimes running also Linux (Mint).

      MacBook Pro circa mid-2015, 15" display, with 16GB 1600 GHz DDR3 RAM, 1 TB SSD, a Haswell architecture Intel CPU with 4 Cores and 8 Threads model i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz.
      Intel Iris Pro GPU with Built-in Bus, VRAM 1.5 GB, Display 2880 x 1800 Retina, 24-Bit color.
      macOS Monterey; browsers: Waterfox "Current", Vivaldi and (now and then) Chrome; security apps. Intego AV

      • #315406

        @oscarCP – See a couple recent posts by Susan Bradley above, and also the MS support pages for the Rollup, Security Only and IE 11 patches. Seems that unless you have Access 97 you’re probably good to go.

        FWIW, I installed the IE 11 and Silverlight patches last night on a Win 7 Starter 32 bit machine and all is well. Might do the SO patch tonight.

        3 users thanked author for this post.
        • #315424

          Thanks, DrBonzo. That is really good news.

          Please, let us all here also know how it went with your installation of the Security Only update tonight.

          Ex-Windows user (Win. 98, XP, 7); since mid-2017 using also macOS. Presently on Monterey 12.15 & sometimes running also Linux (Mint).

          MacBook Pro circa mid-2015, 15" display, with 16GB 1600 GHz DDR3 RAM, 1 TB SSD, a Haswell architecture Intel CPU with 4 Cores and 8 Threads model i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz.
          Intel Iris Pro GPU with Built-in Bus, VRAM 1.5 GB, Display 2880 x 1800 Retina, 24-Bit color.
          macOS Monterey; browsers: Waterfox "Current", Vivaldi and (now and then) Chrome; security apps. Intego AV

        • #316232

          I finished updating the Win 7 Starter mentioned above by installing the .NET Rollup (KB4481480) and the SO (KB4480960). Everything is fine.

          Well, except, of course that this is now the 3rd month running that I’ve had to reset Media Player after installing the SO. In the new spirit of transparency (…coughing fit…), maybe MS could acknowledge this fault and then, I don’t know, FIX IT?

          2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #315486

      3 PCs  running Windows 7 Home Premium x64 updated with no problems. One of those also has Office 2010 and no problems with that either.

      Checked all pending updates against Master Listing before install.



    • #315564

      W/ 2 Drvs Macrium Bkups I skipped MSRT and installed 7 Updates with 1 hiccup: After Re-Start computer clk I returned to a frozen, dark monitor. Pwr Btn Off and Re-Start went fine with Windows Starting icon showing longer than usual. Not 1st time – Patience….

      For OscarCP — I am posting on Rarely-used IE 11, so that problem picks its victims apparently.

      KB4480970 Sec Mo Qual Rollup; KB4481480 Sec Qual Roll Net Frmwk 3.51 thru 4.72; KB4481252 Silverlight; KB2553332  ’10 Office-32; KB4461625  ’10 Word-32;  KB4462157 ’10 Office-32; KB4461623 ’10 Outlook-32 Not active/unusable

      W10 Pro 22H2 / Hm-Stdnt Ofce '16 C2R / Macrium Pd vX / GP=2 + FtrU=Semi-Annual + Feature Defer = 1 + QU = 0

      4 users thanked author for this post.
      • #315849

        CraigS26, Thanks, but, please, keep in mind that bits and pieces of IE11 get used by the Windows 7 operating system, of which IE11 is a component, whether oneself uses it for browsing the Web or not. I hardly ever use it for browsing, these days (e.g., to connect to sites I have bookmarked in IE11 and that only very occasionally need to revisit), but still keep its patching up to date, mostly because of its silent role as part of the system.

        Ex-Windows user (Win. 98, XP, 7); since mid-2017 using also macOS. Presently on Monterey 12.15 & sometimes running also Linux (Mint).

        MacBook Pro circa mid-2015, 15" display, with 16GB 1600 GHz DDR3 RAM, 1 TB SSD, a Haswell architecture Intel CPU with 4 Cores and 8 Threads model i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz.
        Intel Iris Pro GPU with Built-in Bus, VRAM 1.5 GB, Display 2880 x 1800 Retina, 24-Bit color.
        macOS Monterey; browsers: Waterfox "Current", Vivaldi and (now and then) Chrome; security apps. Intego AV

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #315575

      Has anyone tested if KB4487345 also resolves the RDP issues caused by KB4480970, on
      Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, for local admin users ? I have seen a few people speculating that it does, but nothing confirmed.

      The workaround for the reg hack on ‘LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy’ seems somewhat unsatisfactory and we would rather not have to create additional standard users just for RDP access.


    • #315743

      Has anyone tested if KB4487345 also resolves the RDP issues caused by KB4480970, on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, for local admin users ? I have seen a few people speculating that it does, but nothing confirmed. The workaround for the reg hack on ‘LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy’ seems somewhat unsatisfactory and we would rather not have to create additional standard users just for RDP access. Thanks.

      Had a client call this morning in a panic as he couldn’t RDP into his win 7 machine after installing KB4480970. Didn’t have time to play with it so I just uninstalled KB4480970 and put him back in service. May get some time to play with it this weekend.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #315773

        I found I couldn’t uninstall KB4480970, got a “corrupted component” error. Reinstalled from nightly image. How did you uninstall?

      • #316149

        I’ll answer my own question on this one 🙂

        Note that the 2008 R2 Sp1 servers, that we are having this issue with, are off domain so they have local admin users. It is those users that seem to lose RDP access after KB4480970 is applied.

        I have just done some testing on our non-production 2008 R2 Sp1 server and KB4487345 does indeed appear to have resolved the problem for auth on local admins over RDP, despite the lack of documentation to that effect on:


        So, for our production servers we will probably create a standard user first. RDP in as that user and then apply KB4480970, complete the reboot and RDP back in as the standard user and then apply KB4487345 to regain RDP access for the local admin users.

        I hope this helps, but obviously YMMV so do your own testing if possible 🙂

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #315789

      I found I couldn’t uninstall KB4480970, got a “corrupted component” error. Reinstalled from nightly image. How did you uninstall?

      Standard way through Control Panel > Windows Updates > Uninstall. Took a little while but worked fine and then showed back up after searching for updates.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #315816

      NTDBD checking in…Installed:

      2019-01 Security and Quality Rollup for .NET Framework 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1, 4.7.2 for Windows 7 and Server 2008 R2 for x64 (KB4481480)

      Update for Microsoft Silverlight (KB4481252)

      2019-01 Security Monthly Quality Rollup for Windows 7 for x64-based Systems (KB4480970)

      …all with no ill effects.

      So Far. 🙂

      Win7 Pro SP1 64-bit, Dell Latitude E6330, Intel CORE i5 "Ivy Bridge", 12GB RAM, Group "0Patch", Multiple Air-Gapped backup drives in different locations. Linux Mint Greenhorn
      "The more kinks you put in the plumbing, the easier it is to stop up the pipes." -Scotty

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #316438

      Guenter Born included the following on January 2018:
      One Response to Office 2010 Update KB4462157 (Jan. 18, 2019)

      Roel Dirks says:

      We got this update on Jan. 23rd 2019 and it again broke office 2010 components (all of them). The only option I found was to uninstall the update.

      3 users thanked author for this post.
      • #316700

        The KB 4462157 support page isn’t showing any known issues with the update. It’s “Improvements & Fixes” list has two items: fixing a “Access 2010 and Excel 2010 stop working” issue after installing KB 4461614, and support for new Japanese calendar eras (which has an addition of requiring KB 4461579 as well).
        It’s only for Office 2010 SP2. Therefore, its impact is likely to be limited.

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #316706

          Kirsty: This is not a “must-have patch”, is it? Would it be OK if one just ignored it?

          After all, I am not having problems with Excel 2010, do not use Access, and have no present or anticipated future need to write dates in the officially approved Japanese way. I have Japanese friends, they live in Japan, we correspond frequently, and they have not expressed any disapproval, so far, of the fact that I do not date my mails with the year of their current Emperor’s reign. And they date theirs according to “our” Gregorian Calendar, anyway.

          Ex-Windows user (Win. 98, XP, 7); since mid-2017 using also macOS. Presently on Monterey 12.15 & sometimes running also Linux (Mint).

          MacBook Pro circa mid-2015, 15" display, with 16GB 1600 GHz DDR3 RAM, 1 TB SSD, a Haswell architecture Intel CPU with 4 Cores and 8 Threads model i7-4870HQ @ 2.50GHz.
          Intel Iris Pro GPU with Built-in Bus, VRAM 1.5 GB, Display 2880 x 1800 Retina, 24-Bit color.
          macOS Monterey; browsers: Waterfox "Current", Vivaldi and (now and then) Chrome; security apps. Intego AV

          2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #317165

        Will wonders never cease?  MS just pulled kb4462157 along with kb4227172 and kb4461579.

        32bit Office 2010 SP2, Win 7 Pro SP1

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #318279

          I still see them in the Microsoft Update Catalog.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #316892

      Has anyone tested if KB4487345 also resolves the RDP issues caused by KB4480970, on Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, for local admin users ? I have seen a few people speculating that it does, but nothing confirmed. The workaround for the reg hack on ‘LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy’ seems somewhat unsatisfactory and we would rather not have to create additional standard users just for RDP access. Thanks.

      Had a client call this morning in a panic as he couldn’t RDP into his win 7 machine after installing KB4480970. Didn’t have time to play with it so I just uninstalled KB4480970 and put him back in service. May get some time to play with it this weekend.

      Had some time to play with this today and found I could install KB4487345 prior to KB4480970 and didn’t lose RDP or have to go through creating a standard user or using another remote app to access the machines.

      4 users thanked author for this post.
    • #317124

      Windows 7 SP1 Pro with Office 2010 (32-bit).
      In this month’s Win Update, I have been offered Important (ticked) KB3203480 “Update for Microsoft Office 2016 64-Bit Edition”.  In the bulletin for this update, it states that “to enable this improvement” I also need to install KB4461531.  I haven’t been offered KB4461531.

      These patches concern Visio 2016.  I don’t have any components of Office 2016 installed, however I do have an old copy of Visio 2003 (32-bit) installed (rarely used these days).

      Why am I being offered this update, but not the one that must be installed with it?  Assuming that this could be a back-door way of updating an EOL version of Visio, why offer a 64-bit update for a 32-bit application?

      The update concerns the new Japanese dating system.  As I am not located in Japan, nor do I have any dealings there these days, I assume that I can safely ignore/hide this update – right?  Or am I missing something?  Has anyone else experienced this?  Is it another MS stuff-up?

      Dell Precision 3630 w/32 GB RAM, 500 GB (C:), 1 TB (D:)
      Window 10 Pro x64
      Internet: FTTC (Fibre to the Kerb)

    • #317939

      Windows XP with Office 2010

      KB4462157 after installation prevented all Office 2010 apps from running.

      Uninstalled KB and all is back to normal.

      DON’T install if running XP.

      • #317966

        Bearing in mind WinXP all versions are now completely out of support as POSready ended this month, which is probably why it wont work with this months patches.

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
    • #319083

      I still see them in the Microsoft Update Catalog.

      You’re right, Woody.  I should have specified they were pulled from Windows Update.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #319084

      The KB 4462157 support page isn’t showing any known issues with the update. It’s “Improvements & Fixes” list has two items: fixing a “Access 2010 and Excel 2010 stop working” issue after installing KB 4461614, and support for new Japanese calendar eras (which has an addition of requiring KB 4461579 as well). It’s only for Office 2010 SP2. Therefore, its impact is likely to be limited.

      Kirsty, it boils down to whom do do you believe, Microsoft or Gunter Born?

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #319098

        I believe you may have misunderstood my post. At no point did I suggest that the commenter on borncity.com was incorrect.

        My point was that the categories of people using Office 2010 that would need to install the update was not a large quantum (as it was a Japanese calendar issue, and for those suffering a particular “stops working” issue from a prior update),

        Therefore, its impact is likely to be limited.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #319854

      Help!!  I tried to install kb4481480 after Woody gave the all clear.  Now a message has appeared 3x saying the update failed and giving error code 648.  When I go to Microsoft websites, I get nonsensical advice such as one can fix the problem by installing all updates automatically or one can buy MS Office 365.

      Thanks in advance for your help with my problem.

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