• Surface Pro 4 customers complain about weird flicker – even post photos – but no response from Microsoft

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    It’s starting to sound a lot like Surface Pro 3 batterygate, and the SP3’s second batterygate. InfoWorld Woody on Windows.
    [See the full post at: Surface Pro 4 customers complain about weird flicker – even post photos – but no response from Microsoft]

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    • #106540

      Just seems like these problems with Surface’s keep coming to light. This is not a cheap tablet, and I have to wonder why this is happening to a Microsoft designed product? The Surface was supposed to be the absolute best Windows experience? I know I have definitely seen a lot of Surface refurbs out there. A tell tale sign something is up with quality control.

      • #106559

        It’s disconcerting. First we had unending driver/firmware updates trying to get the Skylake processors in Surface Book and Surface Pro 4 to work. Then we had batterygate with the Surface Pro 3. Then the batterygate 2.0 problem. Now flickering screens on Surface Pro 4s.

      • #106591

        Maybe somebody will tear down a deficient Surface 4 to possibly reveal the root cause.

    • #106605

      Bear in mind that MS is a novice OEM = lack manufacturing experience.

      Sometimes, it is not wise to have your finger in too many pies = too greedy.

    • #106629

      Not too sure that this issue is isolated to Surface. I’ve been experiencing sluggish performance and weird taskbar and desktop flickers after updating to 14393.969.

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