• Suppress zeros and errors (excel 97)


    Hi all,

    I hope someone can help me with a formula. Can I write a formula in a cell so that when the equation equals zero or a #VALUE! then it would leave the cell blank?


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    • #571331

      =IF(ISERROR(A3),” “,IF(A3=0,” “,A3))

      Substitute your equation in each place where there is an A3. HTH –Sam

    • #571337

      I believe it’s better to track down why you get a #VALUE! error instead of to suppress it.
      If you produce lots of blanks (“”) by means of formulas, you’re bound to get #VALUE! errors. For example, if A1 contains a formula produced “” and B1 a number, =A1+B1 will end up in a #VALUE error.

      If returning a 0 is not a problem for further processing that you do, by all means return a 0. If you like not to see 0 in a cell, custom format that cell as:


      • #571564

        How would you format to blank a cell that contains – 0.00 ?

        • #571567

          I take it that you mean:


          Activate the cell of interest.
          Activate Format|Cells.
          Choose Custom on the Number tab.
          Enter in the box for Type:



        • #571587

          You can supress the display of just about anything you want by using Conditional Formatting to set a white font on a white background for the values you do not want to display.

        • #571745

          > How would you format to blank a cell that contains – 0.00 ?

          If you increase the number of decimals that are displayed, you’ll notice that round-off error is the cause of -0.00, but as Legare states you can remove it with conditional formatting or you can use a custom format like [>0.0001]#,##0.00;[<-0.0001]-#,##0.00;

    • #571352

      Aladin has excellent advice. I wondered about the #VALUE!: it usually means deal with this now! –Sam

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