• SumIf problem (excel 2000)


    We have a spreadsheet which has a number of columns Jan to December the final column lists a number of different prices (range name

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    • #567973

      Your sample data is in A1:E5 including the labels.


      where a 0 indicates an empty cell.

      In B6 enter: =SUMPRODUCT((LEN(B2:B5)>0)+0,prices) [ where ‘prices” is the name of the range E2:E5]

      Copy this formula across as far as needed.

    • #567975

      Try this array formula:


      use Ctrl-Shift-Enter to enter it as an array formula

      I attached a copy of your workbook with the new formula.


    • #567998

      Any of the following SUMIF’s work for cell B6


      However, my first choice =SUMIF(B2:B5,””””,prices) does NOT work. What’s up with that?

      • #568004

        Your first choice formula does not work because it is missing a couple of quotes. To insert a quote character in a string you have to use two consecutive quotes. So, to be correct, your formula would need to be:


        However, that also does not work and I think that is a bug in Excel.

        My favorite to do this would be the formula below array entered:

      • #568014

        See for the “” and “””””” in the context of COUNTIF:


        By the way, I’d suggest Roberta to use the cheapest formula which is:


        if there is no formula returned blanks in the relevant ranges.

        By precaution, I suggested a SUMPRODUCT formula with LEN in order to cope with the possible occurrence of formula returned blanks. Even then, your


        should be preferred.

      • #568118

        If you’re trying to add up prices which correspond to values not equal to a single quote, then you need this:
        =SUMIF(B2:B5,””””,prices) which works fine.
        If you define a name, Quote, to be =””””, then use
        =SUMIF(B2:B5,””&quote,prices) it’ll also work. If you highlight from the first quote to the “e” in Quote and press F9, you’ll see “”””. I don’t see a problem here, nor do I see a bug. Using =SUMIF(B2:B5,””””””,prices) is comparing B2:B5 to 2 quotes, not one.

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