• Sum positive values if 2 conditions are true… (2000 SR-1)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS Excel and spreadsheet help » Sum positive values if 2 conditions are true… (2000 SR-1)


    I’m back again… smile

    I have created and attached a sample of what I’m working with…
    The left side of the worksheet will contain a longgg list of products, maturity dates and their details…
    The right side is going to be a summary of the companies’ Long and Short positions, split into different Terms…

    I worked out the formulas to get the right dates for each term…
    Now what I need is a formula that will:

    • find the rows in column B that apply to a particular term
    • sum values that are positive and put them in the cell for Long in that term…
    • sum values that are negative and put them in Short for that term….
      [/list]Is this possible?
      I read that SumIf only works with one condition… I tried a formula with some nested If’s, but it didn’t work…
      Any ideas?
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    • #688184

      You need an ARRAY formula (confirm with ctrl-shift-enter) [change the range sizes as appropriate)
      In J5:
      In K5:
      In K12:
      =SUM(IF(($B$5:$B$17>=$H12)*($E$5:$E$170, but in row12 they can NOT be <0!


      • #688224

        Thanks a million Steve! Option 1 worked perfectly on the first try…

        scratch Ummm… at the risk of completely embarrassing myself with a dumb question…. (Just kidding… This is how I learn… I MUST know why… laugh)
        what’s with the asterisks between the conditions?

        * = multiplication operator OR wildcard operator to me… Does it mean AND in this case?


        • #688235

          Yes. The asterisk is for multiply which does the AND. (FYI, plus (+) does the OR)
          True = 1, False = 0,
          True * True *True = 1*1*1 = 1 = True
          Any FALSE and the whole condition is FALSE (which is why it is an AND)
          With an OR (adding them together) the ONLY to get a FALSE (=0) is for ALL to be false, if ANY are NOT false, then the value will 0 so will be considered TRUE. (Excel is NOT strict that TRUE must = 1, FALSE = 0, if NOT false it is true. ANY number (in boolean logic) will be TRUE if not equal to zero.

          If all 3 conditions are true (for a row) you will take the value of the row in E
          So the ARRAY:
          will give a 18 row, 1 column array consisting of either (if ALL conditions are true) the VALUE in Col E or FALSE (I did NOT put a “if false clause”)
          The SUM part:
          Sums that column so you get the values that meet all the criteria.

          Chip Pearson has a good overview of arrays on his website:


          • #688237

            Thanks Steve… I do know about logical operators and arrays… I just didn’t know the * and + worked as AND and OR in Excel… COOL STUFF!
            I was actually trying to use AND in the formula and it wouldn’t work, so I went on to trying nested IFs… This is useful knowledge! smile
            Thanks again! cheers

    • #688203

      Option Number 2:
      Make an Intermediate table of results (3 columns, probably in second worksheet, could be hidden): Terms, Long, and Short
      Terms is:
      Long is:
      Short is:
      Copy it down as many rows as the source.

      Create a PIVOT table from these 3 columns
      Row = terms
      Data = sum of Long, sum of short
      When finished 3 columns, terms, data (short/long), total. drag the data header over to total to make it columns and you have your table.


      Copy these

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