• Subscript out of range (Excel VBA)


    Is there a way to determine which object is out of range other that just being informed by Error 9: Subscript out of range. I ask this as I may have collegues in other branches running a custom macro. Then if they run it with variables not in place and this particular error occurs, I would like to trap the error with a message saying, ” The workbook could not be found!” etc, other that the err. description of “Subscript out of range”. In cases it may be a workbook, and other cases it could be a worksheet etc…so I need to know if Subscript could be determined to a particular object ??


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    • #996431

      Not as far as I know. You’ll have to add specific error checking to the code.

      • #996447

        Tx Hans.
        Could you elaborate on specific error checking please. What did you have in mind here?

        • #996451

          In the first place, try to prevent errors from occurring. For example, you can use the Dir function to check if a workbook with a specified name exists:

          Dim strWorkbook As String
          strWorkbook = “C:ExcelTest.xls”
          If Dir(strWorkbook) = “” Then
          MsgBox “There is no workbook ” & strWorkbook, vbExclamation
          Exit Sub
          End If

          In the second place, instead of a generic On Error GoTo …, you can use specific labels for specific errors:

          Dim wbk As Workbook
          Dim wsh As Worksheet

          On Error GoTo NoWorkbook
          Set wbk = Workbooks(“Test.xls”)

          On Error GoTo NoWorksheet
          Set wsh = wbk.Worksheets(“Data”)

          On Error GoTo OtherError

          MsgBox “The workbook ‘Test.xls’ is not open”, vbExclamation
          Exit Sub

          MsgBox “The worksheet ‘Data’ doesn’t exist”, vbExclamation
          Exit Sub

          MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation
          Exit Sub

          • #996455

            Oh…I see what you mean now! I understand.

            I interpreted “specific error checking” as some special method that you may have thinking about. Something like using the err.number to check for a object type…blah blah. I think I got myself into a tunnel vision of thought again and started complicting things! stupidme (I can’t believe I actually used this smiley…I still have a thing about it!!)

            Thanx for your added elaboration.
            Much obliged!

          • #996645


            Your example violates the mechanics of an error handler. Each error handler needs some variant of the Resume statement to be inside it.

            An alternative to what you showed could be:

            Dim sWhere as string
            Dim wbk As Workbook
            Dim wsh As Worksheet

            On Error GoTo LocErr
            Set wbk = Workbooks(“Test.xls”)

            sWhere= “NoWorksheet”
            Set wsh = wbk.Worksheets(“Data”)


            Exit Sub
            Select Case sWhere
            Case “NoWorkbook”
            MsgBox “The workbook ‘Test.xls’ is not open”, vbExclamation
            ‘You could do a resume next (or other label) here!
            Case “NoWorksheet”
            MsgBox “The worksheet ‘Data’ doesn’t exist”, vbExclamation
            ‘You could do a resume next (or other label) here!
            Case Else
            MsgBox “Unexpected Error:” & err.description
            ‘You could do a resume next (or other label) here!
            End Select
            Resume TidyUp

            • #996653

              If you need to do some cleaning up, such as setting object variables to Nothing, I certainly agree. But if not, Exit Sub is equivalent to Resume TidyUp, because the only code in the TidyUp section is Exit Sub.

            • #996929

              I might be mistaken…

              I seem to recall that any error handler MUST use a Resume statement. A simple Exit sub doesn’t suffice because (especially in case this sub is called from another one) you will wreck any other error handling routines after an error has not been “resumed” properly. I could not reproduce this however, so I’m inclined to think you are correct.

            • #996931

              If a procedure doesn’t have an error handler (any kind of On Error …), errors will “bubble up” to the procedure that called it (if any).

              Once you have an error handler in a procedure, this makes error local to the procedure. Errors won’t bubble up any more to a calling procedure; the Err object is cleared when End Sub or Exit Sub is encountered. So it doesn’t really matter whether you have a Resume statement.

              Of course, always including a Resume statement and an exit section has many advantages (consistency, maintainability, expandability). So there is much to be said for using it.

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