• SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSRIBE Buttons??? Where Have They Gone?

    Home » Forums » Frequently asked questions, feedback, suggestions » Suggestions about improving the Forum » SUBSCRIBE & UNSUBSRIBE Buttons??? Where Have They Gone?

    • This topic has 25 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago.

    Is It my imagination but weren’t there Subscribe & Unsubscribe Buttons on Forums and Posts yesterday and before? For the life of me I can’t see any today??? Go Figure….

    Is there some change that hasn’t been announced?



    1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

    SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

    CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
    Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
    More perishable

    2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

    1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
    1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


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    • #91587

      I suspect it’s currently “under development”… hopefully normal service resumes shortly.

      In the meantime, the option to subscribe is still offered when posting a reply, and to unsubscribe, users can edit that on their profile <Click on their user name to access Profile>, using the Subscriptions tab on the left menu.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #91597

        I’m not sure what happened. I have a note in to the devs.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #91598

        Is the Forum List that used to be in the Right Side Bar “under Development” to? O.o I am in a construction ZONE! Now where did I put my Hard Hat??? 😉 😆


        1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

        SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

        CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
        Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
        More perishable

        2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

        1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
        1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


        • #91776

          I’m missing the topic list already, too! Here’s hoping it’s back shortly 🙂

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #91803

            Hi Kristy,

            I don’t know what the others are experiencing, but I am see their comments.

            I still can’t see the Unsubscribe Buttons no mater which way I look for them. I see all of the forums I subscribed to and all of the Posts but no Buttons.

            The “Forum List” is still gone…

            All of this was there and fine last night and my browser did not update for weeks.

            Other wise the rest is looks fine…


            1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

            SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

            CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
            Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
            More perishable

            2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

            1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
            1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


            • #91810

              That pretty much echoes what I am seeing (you’re not peeking over my shoulder, are you? hehe). I understand there’s lots happening in the background, so it’s going to be interesting to see how (and when) that impacts. We watch and wait…

              PS nice use of the signature!

            • #91835

              I didn’t see him Kristy, when I was looking over your shoulder 😆 😛

              I am using “Vivaldi”.

              I think we seem to be seeing the same thing????? 😀


              1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

              SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

              CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
              Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
              More perishable

              2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

              1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
              1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


            • #91849

              I’d not heard of Vivaldi, Crysta, but on looking it up, I see it’s distantly related to Opera. I used to love Opera until a couple of years ago – sadly, the software I need to work online with won’t operate except on FF, Chrome & IE. The latter two scare me for varying reasons, so I stick with FF (ESR versions) now.

            • #91857

              Vivaldi, was created by one of the Founders and Former CEO of Opera when his relationship with them went south. It is base on the same WEB engine that Chrome is, like the new Opera. I really liked the old Opera too, and slowly they are getting Vivaldi, closer to that. I intensely dislike new Opera and now somebody in China owns it. 🙁

              Check it out Kristy, maybe more will work on it then you think. Most of the Chrome extensions work well on it, right out of the Chrome store….


              1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

              SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

              CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
              Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
              More perishable

              2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

              1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
              1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


              1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #91805

            I pulled the Forum list. It’s unusable in its current state – we’ll have a better version soon.

            Not sure what you mean about the Topic list. Recent Topics are still there.

            • #91808

              We might possibly be talking about the same thing?

    • #91794

      I am having no problem accessing and using the Lounge on Chrome, but on Firefox it is a mess.

      I have everything allowed for your site, so it is not a matter of something not being blocked. I reload but it does not refresh – it is stuck in its own time zone. Other sites are working fine, even other forums that use WordPress (I tested a few). I even zapped the bookmark and retyped the URL in the address bar – didn’t help.

      I get a popup warning from FF whenever I open your site … ‘this site has had security problems’ (re: self signed certificates). I do not know if FF is interfering because of this. Beats me.

      NB: I come onto the site from https askwoody on both Chrome and FF.

    • #91975

      I asked the devs to remove the Subscribe and Unsubscribe buttons on Forums and Topics.

      Did I mess up?

      In my experience, the Subscribe and Unsubscribe buttons didn’t work. Was I wrong?

      Wouldn’t be the first time.

      • #92079

        OH, OH Woody, 🙁

        As far as I could see, they were working fine for Topic Comments…… 😥
        Now there is no way the Unsubscribe from a topic anywhere, directly or under ones own Subscriptions. O.o
        The Forum Subscribe Buttons worked fine. What I was unclear about with them was getting informed about a new ‘Topic’ or a new ‘Sub Forum’. Sometimes I got an Email, other times, no. I never knew if that was simply timing or as Kristy eluded to, “Under Construction” making AskWoody a moving target.

        In Short Woody, We Need Them Back or Were Screwed. On the other hand We Will quantumfy your work load ‘Unsbscribing’ us…. Hum, Concept??? 😉

        At the very least, I know I haven’t lost my mind looking for White Rabbits…. 😆

        By the Way, Favorites are still there but I never use them 😆 Wait!!! don.t take them away, I still might. 😀


        1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

        SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

        CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
        Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
        More perishable

        2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

        1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
        1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


        • #92113

          Yep, my fault.

          I asked the devs to take off the Subscribe buttons for Forums. They weren’t working, so they were just annoying.

          They thought I wanted Subscribe taken off of both Forums and Topics. That’s why they disappeared from Topics.

          They’re researching, at this moment, if it’s possible to take Subscribe buttons off of Forums, but leave them on Topics.

          If that isn’t possible, I’ll have them reinstate Subscribe buttons for both Forums and Topics.

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #92123

            See my note under “check here every day” too

          • #92138

            @ Woody

            I asked the devs to take off the Subscribe buttons for Forums. They weren’t working, so they were just annoying.

            Who said they were not working?! Under what circumstance?

            They certainly worked for me!


          • #92172

            Really want those subscription buttons back. They were working for me.

            Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

      • #92266


        An Update.

        I have seen conclusive evidence the that Forum “SUBSCRIBE” is working fanominally, It has been NOTIFYING me all afternoon about NEW Threats in ‘Tools’. I pick on this one because we have been starting many Topics this afternoon which I can definitely say I was not subscribed to before hand. I thought I had noticed this on other forums but they were never getting new Topics as fast so it didn’t register as much…. 😀



        1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

        SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

        CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
        Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
        More perishable

        2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

        1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
        1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


    • #93277

      Yeah! My first chance to check, and the subscribe buttons are working for me again. Thank you.

      Non-techy Win 10 Pro and Linux Mint experimenter

    • #94430

      WOW Woody,

      They servived the Crash….. 😀


      1. Tower Totals: 2xSSD ~512GB, 2xHHD 20 TB, Memory 32GB

      SSDs: 6xOS Partitions, 2xW8.1 Main & Test, 2x10.0 Test, Pro, x64

      CPU i7 2600 K, SandyBridge/CougarPoint, 4 cores, 8 Threads, 3.4 GHz
      Graphics Radeon RX 580, RX 580 ONLY Over Clocked
      More perishable

      2xMonitors Asus DVI, Sony 55" UHD TV HDMI

      1. NUC 5i7 2cores, 4 Thread, Memory 8GB, 3.1 GHz, M2SSD 140GB
      1xOS W8.1 Pro, NAS Dependent, Same Sony above.


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