• Storing last modified (97)


    I have a field to store the date and time a record was last modified. I’m trying to use the After Update event for a form to set the value of this field to Now(), but I’m getting stuck in the form!! It won’t allow to move to the next record. Help?!

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    • #653567

      Use the BeforeUpdate event instead…

      • #653569

        Dur!! So obvious.. Thanks much!

      • #653571

        Oops! Not quite there yet.. It doesn’t work on the BeforeUpdate event of the form! Do you mean for all the individual fields?

        • #653573

          I often use the BeforeUpdate event of a form (not of individual controls) to do this. Here is an actual example from one of my databases:

          Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
          ModificationDate = Date
          ModifiedBy = NetUser
          End Sub

          NetUser is a custom function that returns the network login name of the user.

          • #654715

            Hans, could you post the NetUser function, and show how one would use it?


            • #654717

              Hi Bob,

              The NetUser function uses the Windows API function WNetGetUserA to retrieve the network login name of the current user. Please note that this is different from the Access login name. You can use NetUser just as you would use any other function – in expressions and in code. The sample code in my reply higher up in this thread uses it to set the name of the user who last modified a record. Another use could be to display the login name on a form or report – place a text box, for instance in the header or footer section, with control source =NetUser().

              Here is the code. If you put it in a general module, it will be available throughout the database. The first bit must go in the declaration section of the module, at the top.

              Private Declare Function WNetGetUser Lib “mpr.dll” Alias “WNetGetUserA” _
              (ByVal lpName As String, ByVal lpUserName As String, lpnLength As Long) As Long

              Public Function NetUser() As String
              Dim strName As String, strUserName As String
              strName = vbNullString
              strUserName = Space(255)
              If WNetGetUser(strName, strUserName, Len(strUserName)) = 0 Then
              NetUser = Left(strUserName, InStr(strUserName, vbNullChar) – 1)
              NetUser = “-unknown-”
              End If
              End Function

      • #653572

        …Ignore me! It’s working perfectly. Thanks again.

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