• Still no April second cumulative updates for Win10, or Monthly Previews for Win7 or 8.1

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    10 am Redmond time on the third Tuesday of the month has come and gone, and… no patches. Is Microsoft messin’ with me? Or is there a deeper reason?
    [See the full post at: Still no April second cumulative updates for Win10, or Monthly Previews for Win7 or 8.1]

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    • #854656

      Well seeing as its Microsoft its hard to say what has happened. But more then likely they are dealing with some serious issues with some of the updates or they have had to rush through additional zero day fixes which took more time to review. I’d rather not get anything then broken messed up ones that I must wait for a fix.

      7 users thanked author for this post.
      • #854797

        I hear you loud and clear on that one.

        3 users thanked author for this post.
    • #857202

      If push comes to shove and we just have to hunker down and skip a month, I think I’m okay with that. I know its still too soon to tell if this will be the case, but given what this months patches have turned into I would almost prefer it.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #859102

      Well, MS has been consistently disappointing with their handling of Win 10 updates/upgrades. so what’s new?

    • #875457

      I’ve also been wondering where the preview updates have been. It’s very bizarre. But I never install the preview rollups for Windows 7 or 8.1, so it makes little difference to me. But still strange how we haven’t seen them this month though.

    • #877012

      Luckily, this month still has Week E 🙂

      Word 2013/2016 got Japanese update, only through download center

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #904132

        Japanese dates in the postcard design wizard?


    • #883591

      Don’t be so impatient on a week with a holiday, Woody.

      From Windows 10 update servicing cadence:

      The “C” and “D” releases occur the third and fourth weeks of the month, respectively.

      There’s nothing there about it having to be on a Tuesday.  For example, back in August 2018, the quality update didn’t come out until Thursday August 30th.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #887566

      24.4. 8:02 AM, Czech Rep. No updates arrived here in middle earth..

      Dell Latitude 3420, Intel Core i7 @ 2.8 GHz, 16GB RAM, W10 22H2 Enterprise

      HAL3000, AMD Athlon 200GE @ 3,4 GHz, 8GB RAM, Fedora 29

      PRUSA i3 MK3S+

      • #887977

        So I tried to look manually.

        I never thought that 6 < 11

        Dell Latitude 3420, Intel Core i7 @ 2.8 GHz, 16GB RAM, W10 22H2 Enterprise

        HAL3000, AMD Athlon 200GE @ 3,4 GHz, 8GB RAM, Fedora 29

        PRUSA i3 MK3S+

    • #921503

      As a home user I never took the previews.  Nothing ever happened as a result.

    • #955387

      Another “anomaly” – KB4487256 2019-02 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for .NET 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1 Windows 7 was the .NET preview that was available in mid-February.  I expected a monthly .NET patch to be released on Patch Tuesday in March.  But there was no .NET patch in March nor in April.  Are there problems with this patch?

    • #960652

      Another “anomaly” – KB4487256 2019-02 Preview of Monthly Quality Rollup for .NET 3.5.1, 4.5.2, 4.6, 4.6.1, 4.6.2, 4.7, 4.7.1 Windows 7 was the .NET preview that was available in mid-February. I expected a monthly .NET patch to be released on Patch Tuesday in March. But there was no .NET patch in March nor in April. Are there problems with this patch?

      sorry, wrong guess 🙂 the update has been released in March 2019 as an update not rollup:


      with an option of .net 3.5.1 standalone @ m$ catalogue:


      on the other hand it wasn’t offered thru win7 update center… then it looks nothing new comparing to feb2019 rollup preview… maybe except some minor changes concerning the Japanese Era formatting 🙂

      p.s. I agree – where this d*** preview of apr2019! maybe yet to repairing all around of the multiple antivirus issues found, huh? 🙂

      p.p.s. Well I appreciate you kind up-to-rules editing… Although it gives no changes to the basics of askwoody com. The recent commercialize approach is beyond any questions. It’s ok naturally. Also the almost total switch to discuss win10 mainly. However there are a long number of m$ recent troubles to discuss in maybe attempt to find any solution – for instance…. Well, sorry it sounds like old sake Playboy Party jokes entries…. So haven’t you heard…. that M$ Skype now ver.8 cuts the visible conversations history acquired thru maybe long years use of any earlier ver. of Skype to the max of some 2 years? Too bad.

      p.p.p.s. shall I subscribe to the higher ver. of askwoody com to avoid minor login difficulties @ some askwoody web pages?

      • #1097586

        You shouldn’t have minor logon difficulties on any page, regardless of whether you’re a Plus member or not.

        Anonymous posters have to pass a CAPTCHA check because of the volume of bot-submitted posts, and all anonymous posts are vetted by a moderator, but the rest should be the same for everyone.

        We have changes coming — soon — that’ll restrict access to the newest Plus Newsletters and Patch Lists. You’ll have to be a Plus member to get to the latest two or three of those, but other than that, there should be no difference between anonymous, registered Lounger, and Plus member.

    • #966009


      there are NEW patches for Windows 7, 8.x and 10 (except for v1809) this Thursday April 25th, 2:30PM Pacific Local Time. 🙂

      new preview rollups released too

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