My only user experience in Backup program was using Win7 Pro’s built in backup tools twice.
I have watched a couple of tutorial videos, but there’s no reliable Q&A. Soo, looking for detailed/clear step by step on how to create Bootable Repair/Recovery USB/CD with Win RE, Bootable Rescue USB/CD, separate Files and Data Backup, Full image back up, and how much storage space needed for both of those Bootable media before having to move from Win7 Pro to Win10 Pro
Reason for going from Win7 back to Win10 is because Adobe CC subscription based programs no longer support PC’s with Win7.
I have custom PC built in 2014 that had Win7 enterprise then downgraded to Win10 for couple of days then installed Windows 7 Pro (x64) instead in the end a few years ago. It has 512GB SSD and 1 TB HDD.
I use SSD for OS, downloads, and frequently used software and HDD for everything else.