Fairly new to Excel macros, so I may just be missing something obvious here but —
I’m writing a macro that creates a number of new data sheets in a workbook and needs to set each up with identical Page Setup settings. I can select all these sheets, but have not managed to figure out a way to then apply the Page Setup settings all at once. I imagine I can do it with sendkeys, but is there an object I can specify that will do this?
And a second question – I selected all the new sheets with an array variable containing all their names. Then I ran across this code to selectively select sheets in a book:
For SheetNum = 1 to Wkbook.worksheet.count
If Left(Wkbook.worksheets(SheetNum).name,3) = “LST” then Wkbook.Worksheets(SheetNum).Select False
Next SheetNum
I’m not familiar with the construction “Wkbook.Worksheets(SheetNum).Select False”
How is that operating to select the sheet in question?
Thanks very much