• Special Characters – Degrees (XP-Pro SP-2)

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    I know you can use the character map utility to paste a degree symbol, but is there any kind of “Alt-xxx” number code that would achieve it as well?

    Chuck Billow

    Chuck Billow

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    • #1028524

      If you select the degree symbol in Character Map, you’ll see Alt+0176 in the status bar of the window. So you can turn on Num Lock and type Alt+0176 on the numeric keypad.

      • #1028526


        Thanks. You’re the best.

        Maybe someday my observation techniques will improve?!


        Chuck Billow

        • #1028557

          I usually use Alt+248 and get

          • #1028559

            Well thank you sir.


            Chuck Billow

            • #1028563

              My method is to use Insert > Symbol within Word or Excel (as I usually have one of them open) to remind me of the Alt number or shortcut, but this is more or less identical to the Character Map

            • #1028564


              But that won’t work in Outlook, will it?


              Chuck Billow

            • #1028569

              Well, it doesn’t ‘work’ in XP either, does it? smile

              The point I was making is that in whatever application I’m working – Outlook, Firefox, etc. – I usually have Word or Excel open, so I simply switch to them to look up the code.

            • #1028605

              You’re such a smarty… clapping ! Geez, I wish I could do all that….


              Chuck Billow

    • #1028675

      I still find it most convenient using a hardcopy “cheat sheet” for looking up char codes. post 299,020 contains a spreadsheet attachment that does everything you’ll need.


      • #1028678


        Yea, I take notes on the ones I find or use.


        Chuck Billow

      • #1029659


        Thanks for that cheat sheet; it will come in very handy. Thanks to the clever ones among us, (I assume you know who you are; the rest of us know who WE are) I always find good stuff when I start wandering around the Lounge. Naturally, in the course of doing that, I completely forget what it was I was orignally looking for, and eventually wander away again without il, but nevertheless – not without something useful! thumbup Beats the heck out of all those sites blackhole I wander away from empty-handed, having totally despaired of ever finding whatever it was I’ve forgotten I was looking for! igiveup
        Uh, actually, I guess you can’t really wander away from a blackhole . Like I said, we know who we are yep .


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