• Sort within a number (Excel 2003)


    I’ve been asked by a colleague how to sort data that is a number but they want to sort by the eighth and ninth number in a 10-digit number. Is there some way to do this? See attached word doc with sample numbers. Thanks….Carol

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    • #1051121

      It would have made more sense to attach an Excel workbook.

      Are the values in the Excel workbook numeric values that have been formatted to display leading zeros, or are they text values?

      • #1051136

        I didn’t get the spreadsheet but they are text.

        • #1051137

          Your colleague should be able to use the formulas from column B or C in the example I posted in my previous reply. If the data are sorted on this column, the column with the ten-digit numbers will be sorted with it.

    • #1051126

      Here’s a sample workbook that demonstrates a possible approach, using an extra column to extract the 8th and 9th digits.

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