I am using Windows Live Mail on a Windows 7 computer. I have used Windows Outlook Express and subsequently Windows Mail on previous computers for many years, so am very familiar with the program but this is the first time for this version.
When I try to sort my “sent items” by the “To” field, they actually sort by subject, not by the name it was sent to. I have multiple accounts, and this is true in the sent folders for all accounts. All other columns (including subject) sort as they should, as do ALL columns in the Inbox and Deleted Items (there isn’t anything in the outbox or drafts folders to experiment with but those aren’t folders I usually sort anyway). I don’t remember noticing this issue prior to the most recent update, but this is a fairly new computer so it’s possible that I simply didn’t sort by that field until this week. I get the same result whether I am choosing the sort order by clicking the column title or by selecting from the menu ribbon.
Similarly, when I use the search function, if I try to find an item that was ‘revised before (date)’, it finds all items that were revised AFTER that date. The ‘revised after (date)’ field does what it is supposed to.
What is going on? A Google search brought up only instructions on how to sort, no other reports of this problem.