• Sorry to interrupt, but this is important

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    Hard to believe, but MS just released a FULL-SCREEN Windows 10 nag system. InfoWorld Woody on Windows I can see tomorrow’s headlines already….
    [See the full post at: Sorry to interrupt, but this is important]

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    • #40055

      Never a better time to use never10 or GWX control panel, both block the ad.

    • #40056

      Yep. And they block to new GWX nag screen.

    • #40057

      & Microsoft wonders why so many are switching to apple and Linux.

    • #40058

      Notify me three more times?! WTH are they smoking in Redmond? Shiver me sideways!

    • #40059

      ‘Over 300 million people have upgraded.’ Yeah, 300 million people have upgraded, BECAUSE YOU FORCED THEM TO DO SO MICROSOFT.

      Seriously I wish Microsoft would get the hint already, that if people WANTED to upgrade to Win10, they’d go out & get it.

      At this point Microsoft’s users are loosing more and more faith with Microsoft every month.

      300 million people… That’s a massive total of $3,000,000,000,000 if all 300 million people sued Microsoft for $10,000 each. (reference to the small claims court case that you posted a few days ago)

    • #40060

      Everything locked here until next month where we’ll open the windows and have a look to see if the storm has calmed down. Pathetic. Next step would be to see Microsoft’s big boss on his knees, begging for us to upgrade, with a little tear and a lot of emotion in the voice.

    • #40061

      Do you have a screenshot of this?

    • #40062

      It’s in the KB article.

    • #40063

      Upgrade this PC or we’ll shoot this rabbit!

      Yep, now there’s a persuasive marketing approach…

    • #40064

      Big surprise, the last two options are in very small, almost obscured type in the bottom left corner of the screen… They’re still trying to make it hard to say No.

    • #40065

      Windows 10 has not pushed me completely to Linux. But Windows 10 did push me to learn Linux. I now use both Windows and Linux. Switching to Linux completely may not be the ultimate answer yet. But when I am using Linux, it sure is nice not to have to deal with this kind of crap from Microsoft.

    • #40066

      I find it funny that they are now so desperate for extra installs that, while 7 (non-SP) and 8.0 don’t get any updates any more, they WILL suddenly be bugged with the KB3163589 popup. (And they then can’t even update directly but will have to double update via SP1/8.1 and THEN do Windows 10. No, I don’t see any potential for anything going wrong there at all.)

    • #40067

      KB3173040 pushes the full-screen nagware regardless of the installation of KB3035883. Maybe the registry keys or policies set as per KB3080351 would block this new ad completely.

    • #40068

      Good question. I haven’t been able to get 3173040 installed – it isn’t being offered on my “honey pot” machines.

      OIC. The full-page purple screaming nag won’t appear on machines that have the latest version of KB 3035583 installed. My honeypots all have 3035583 installed. That explains it.

    • #40069

      My concern with a KB like this is that it opens the door on W7/8 systems for more full screen popup ads.

      After July 29, when the W10 free upgrade expires, I would not be surprised if this KB gets revised so we get ads for other Windows products and services.

      MS was accused of using malware type tactics to push the free W10 upgrade, so I guess it would not be a stretch for them to utilize pop-up ads too.

    • #40070

      Indeed, they already are. With the GWX campaign, we’ve learned that MS can push just about anything onto just about any Win7 or 8.1 machine. I guess we’ve always known that, but this is so in-yer-face that it’s frightening.

      Changing the GWX nag screen and its actions without installing a KB? I’m still astonished.

    • #40071

      I just got KB 3173040 offered as an “IMPORTANT” update from MS updater. I have NOT installed it as yet. Also have had 10 other Important Updates available. Installed NONE of them. Waiting to see what happens here. Will probably “HIDE” all 11 of them.


    • #40072

      I’m going to look at changing the MS-DEFCON status in the next few hours. It’s a good time, because all of Microsoft is out for the long weekend….

    • #40073

      Got KB3173040 this morning as an important update at 5.3MB.

      There’s this little thing called *Right click*->”hide this update”

      Fortran, C++, R, Python, Java, Matlab, HTML, CSS, etc.... coding is fun!
      A weatherman that can code

    • #40074

      MS out for the holiday weekend – isn’t that like throwing grenades and running away ? Great timing.

      This interruption from MS is all about barging in and forcing a user to cease what they are doing to respond to an upgrade notification. There is no X to close the notification, so an option has to be selected to make it go away. Those who do not see the obscure and tiny ‘decline’ option off to the left of the notification will probably pick one of the more prominent options. It is no less a grenade.

    • #40075

      Microsoft’s article says that KB3173040 will not show up if (among other things):
      You have hidden the “Get Windows 10” app notifications.
      You have disabled the Windows 10 upgrade or you have disabled the offer screen through registry key settings.

      However, both of these things are TRUE on my machines. I have repeatedly hidden KB3035583 AND I am running GWX Control Panel which flips the Registry bits for both DisableOSUpgrade and DisableGWX.

      KB3173040 IS showing up on my machines as a checked important on Win8.1 and an unchecked important on Win7.

    • #40076

      I’m sure Microsoft will extend their offer period for upgrading, just you watch.

    • #40077

      Nadella says MS wants to be a leader in “artificial intelligence”. I would humbly suggests that MS truly displays AI in just about everything they do lately. Where are the adults in Redmond?

    • #40078

      I’m not so sure… but there may be something similar…

    • #40079

      Very odd. What happens if you install 3173040? (You know how to disarm it now.)

    • #40080

      Does anyone still believe MS hasn’t had all this planned right from the start? Of course they have – including anticipating lawsuits like the one that cost them $10,000 just recently.

      They don’t do anything on a whim, it’s all meticulously planned at meetings well in advance. They knew there would be problems and backlash but they just don’t care. They know that Windows 10 is causing incompatibility with a lot of people’s computers but that’s just ‘collateral damage’ as far as they’re concerned.

      On the subject of updates, you should do a search for ‘Simplix’, it is a rollup package of all the updates for Windows 7 since Service Pack 1 (minus the W10 and telemetry garbage) and it is updated every month.

      I found it mentioned in the Windows section of Whirlpool forums.

      Takes about an hour to install after a clean install of W7 SP1 and it installs the updates in stages – 60 or so then a reboot, another 80 or so than a reboot then the rest and a final reboot.

      Much easier than dealing with the hassles of Windows Update for W7 these days. And definitely better than the ‘half hearted’ W7 Convenience Rollup released by MS for W7.

      You can even leave Windows Update disabled in Services and Simplix still installs the updates without a problem.

    • #40081

      I wonder if come 30th July, they’ll issue an update that undoes all the GWX junk they’ve so kindly installed on everyone’s machines – it’s so screwed up WU, that I’ve a feeling they might not know how to. It remains to be seen whether KB3161608 will permanently fix the ‘updating forever’ and high CPU issues… I’m not holding my breath!

    • #40082

      Just checked Windows Update on my Win 7 desktop and, yes, there it is – KB3173040 … Optional, unchecked and italicized … Also checked my GWX Control Panel and am once again relieved to find it is reporting absolutely no evidence of the Windows 10 infection anywhere on my system. (Breathes sigh of relief!)

    • #40083

      Copied two VMs (Win7 Ultimate SP1 64bit and Win8.1 Pro w/ Media Center 64bit) to external HDD. Will replace when finished – I don’t want any MS hooks that might be involved on either when I get through.

      Installed KB3173040, a checked important update. Verified install in Update History.
      KB3035583 hidden (never installed). OSUpgrade disabled by CWX CP.
      Shut down/restart – no full page nag. Warm reboot – no full page nag. Will keep trying at various times today.

      Checked and installed KB3173404 (unchecked important). Verified install in Update History.
      KB3035583 hidden (never installed). OSUpgrade disabled by CWX CP.
      Shut down/restart – no full page nag. Warm reboot – no full page nag.

      Decided to see what would happen if I enabled OSUpgrade, GWX and non-critical Win10 settings.
      Used GWX CP to enable. Still not running GWX app. Still all telemetry, compatibility and Win Client Update patches hidden.
      Shutdown/reboot to make Registry changes.
      On startup – FULL SCREEN NAG SCREEN after login before desktop.
      Choosing “Don’t remind me again” results in FULL SCREEN “OK, if you change your mind,” a link to the MS website, and an OK button.
      Pressing OK takes you to the desktop.

    • #40084


    • #40085

      For some time I’ve wondered whether Microsoft’s abusive bullying might be driven more by fear and desperation than by stupidity and innate arrogance. I wonder whether they might see the Windows 7 and 8.1 community as a still very large share of the market for which they will be forced to compete against rivals who may be better prepared. After all, with the ubiquity of mobile devices, the harvesting of customer data for profit and the growth of cloud computing, a new paradigm has emerged and Microsoft has been doing things the old way for a very long time.

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