• Sophos Anti-Rootkit


    Sophos Anti-Rootkit

    “Eliminates hidden applications and processes
    Removing rootkits without compromising system integrity is particularly challenging and needs to be done with care. Our free software, Sophos Anti-Rootkit, finds and removes any rootkit that is hidden on your computer. ”

    I gave this one a whirl. It didn’t detect any nasties, but does report the following:
    “Warning: Failed to flush drive .C:. Registry scan may produce invalid results.
    The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.”

    I don’t understand what the convoluted reference is pointing to, or what the diagnostic means. Maybe it needs to be run from a removable boot device, to get full access to “everything”???


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    • #1026208


      This isn’t exactly the same message, and I don’t know if it’s relevant to your set-up, but the following is listed under “Known issues” in the Sophos Anti-Rootkit Read Me:

      * Sophos Anti-Rootkit will work on a Terminal Services or Remote Desktop environment but may produce this warning which can be ignored: ‘Unable to flush drive C: (already open by another process)’.


      * If the scan is performed while the computer is in use, false positives may appear in the scan results. This is caused by files or registry entries being deleted, including temporary files being deleted automatically.

      Perhaps some registry activity while the scan was running generated the message you got?

      I can’t report any results. I haven’t run it yet, having just downloaded it, as advised at Woody

      • #1026217

        Thanks Maud. From that, plus what John added, I’ll put that message in the “forget it” basket.


    • #1026213


      I got the same message as you, and it seems to me that it could be treated with “a complete ignoral”.

      I also found it objected to:
      C:Documents and SettingsApplication DataMozillaFirefoxProfiles.Commonparent.lock
      but I don’t think I am going to worry too much about that!

      Overall I was more impressed with this program that with SysInternals’ one (unusually) because it ran considerably faster and the results were less arcane. But then again, and pleasingly, I haven’t got any rootkits to test them both on…


      • #1026218

        I’d agree with your comparison on both counts. The SysInternals incarnation is/was indeed an arcanation – I never really knew what, if anything, I was being informed about.


      • #1026247

        I think perhaps the two utilities might work differently. If they both followed the same approach as the SysInternals program — comparing the results of Windows API calls with data retrieved in a “raw” form to uncover discrepancies — then the drive access speed should be the limiting factor and both should take about the same amount of time. Maybe Sophos has found a reliable shortcut?

    • #1026364

      Interesting part of their license you have to agree to in order to install:

      “12.4 You shall permit Sophos or an independent certified accountant appointed by Sophos access on written notice to Your premises and Your books of account and records at any time during normal business hours for the purpose of inspecting, auditing, verifying or monitoring the manner and performance of Your obligations under this Licence Agreement including without limitation the payment of all applicable licence fees…” scratch

      Especially considering that the download is free.

      • #1026365

        I suspect that represents their Standard Terms and Conditions (as you know)…

        Of course if they notify you that they will be “sending the boys round” you can quickly delete the program from your PC! innocent


      • #1026385

        Well, if they can find my “premises and books of account and records”, from the information at their disposal, then I salute them salute and will gladly fork over the free licence fee.


        • #1026399

          Let’s just hope they don’t sue for triple damages! smile

          • #1026406

            Being Noble and British, we don’t have a legal concept of triple damages!


          • #1026434

            Triple times zero is ?!?!?!?
            I might be able to afford this one shrug

            • #1026652

              I installed Sophos yesterday and ran it. I accepted the agreement without reading it ( as usual ). I presume it applies to multiple business users. Am I correct or am I about to be raided? cop

            • #1026675

              I do not think you have to worry about being raided. As john pointed out in his post 595,617, this is probably their standard EULA.

              Frankly, I was a little surprised anyone rtfm exclamation

              blush I admit I to have a nasty habit of not rtfmyikes exclamation

            • #1026875

              I’ ve had a computer for over 6 years and I never, ever read the eulas. One of these days I’m going to accept one that says I have to give them my house if I ever remove the program.

            • #1026913

              hmmn hmmn hmmn hmmn

              “… I have to give them my house …” nope

              Provide endless amounts of money and hailpraise to the developer for entering indentured servitude … yep

            • #1026977

              Oh Lordy !!!!!
              Let me take that program off my computer, quickly. I have no cash, my knees can’t bend and servitude is not my cup of tea.

            • #1027011

              NO WORRY ! evilgrin

              If someone shows up – you can always create a distraction with blowup their car and flee exclamation exclamation innocent

              whisperI have a fiend who states there are NO computer problems in the world that a little HE (High Explosives) can not cure – This is in no way an endorsement for violence – just innocent mayhem

            • #1027023

              Scott, I’ve been told – Computers Don’t Make Mistakes, What They Do, They Do On Purpose.

            • #1027056

              hmmn based on human input ?!?!?


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