• Simple table / query presentation (2002 SP2?)

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    I have an absolutely simple table of items with validity dates (start and stop)

    What I want to do is present a user with a tabular update window just like that achieved by double-clicking the table, but with the ability to choose a validity date, and or an item name. Any clue as to best-practice would be gratefully received.

    I’m assuming I do this as a form with a tabular subform?

    Thanks in advance

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    • #959223

      What exactly do you mean by “the ability to choose a validity date, and or an item name”? Is this for data entry, or do yoou want to filter the form? Would a combo box do what you want, or …? Please try to indicate what you want.

      • #959228

        Thanks for responding – sorry about the confusion
        I want to filter the form based on a date and or an item name and then do data entry on the resulting filtered tabular entity.

        Heck – I wouldn’t know if a combo box would solve the problem because I don’t know how one would be used – I’m assuming “no” because a date is just a date and a name is presumably a wild-card lookup.

        • #959254

          I have attached an example demonstrating how you can use combo boxes to filter a form. In this example, the combo boxes work independently of each other; it is also possible to restrict the values displayed in the second combo box depending on the value selected in the first one; if you search for cascading combo you’ll find examples in this forum.

        • #959261

          I think what you’re after is a simple parameter query. There’s plenty of info on how to create these within the Access help files or on the Microsoft website, as well as within this forum. These two links (I particularly recommend the first one) hopefully tell you everything you need to know.

          Microsoft Office Assistance: Using parameters with queries and reports
          Microsoft Office Training: Queries III: Create parameter queries that prompt users for input

          • #959342

            Dave & Hans Yes I was looking for a parameter form and Dave, the first link worked a treat. I’ll use the dropdowns in another part of the task.

            Another day, another thing learnt. Thank you both.

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