• Set default for all PPT files to print handouts (03)

    Home » Forums » AskWoody support » Productivity software by function » MS PowerPoint and presentation apps » Set default for all PPT files to print handouts (03)


    I’ve googled this and can’t find a good answer. I want to be able to use Explore to find ppt files and then right-click on the file and have it print in Handout format instead of as slide format.

    I found where it was suggested I download the Office Resource kit and set a group policy. But, I looked at MS’s office resource kit page and can’t see anywhere in there that says there is a file that controls the print defaults.

    Do you either have a better method or do you know how to use the ORK to find what I’m looking for?


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    • #1160547

      You could use the free Save the trees add-in.

      • #1160548

        I looked at that, Hans. But you have to open the ppt file for it to work. We want to find the files in Windows Explorer, right-click on them and have them print the handouts.

        The person asking for this has a bunch of files to print and he doesn’t want to open them individually.

        • #1160551

          I’m sorry, I have no idea how to do that, or whether it’s possible at all, actually.

        • #1160594

          I looked at that, Hans. But you have to open the ppt file for it to work. We want to find the files in Windows Explorer, right-click on them and have them print the handouts.

          The person asking for this has a bunch of files to print and he doesn’t want to open them individually.

          Printing from Windows Explorer uses the default settings. Have you tried changing the default view Tools | Options | View | Default View?



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