• SendObject won’t finish the send (AccessXPSP2/Lotus Notes R5)

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    I’m trying to send reports in a batch process through Lotus Notes using the SendObject command. Everything works fine except that it doesn’t send the email even though I have the EditMessage argument set to False. Below is the code I’m using. Anyone heard of this before. I’ve performed endless searches, found one thread on the net from someone with a similar problem but no solution included in the thread. TIA for any help.

    DoCmd.SendObject acSendReport, “rptInfogen_Emp_Mail_Detail_NEW”, acFormatHTML, _
    strEAddress, , , “Cafeteria Charges – TEST01”, , False

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    • #646182

      Are you getting any kind of error message? If I remember correctly, Lotus Notes uses VIM rather than MAPI. Here’s what the help file says: [indent]

      If you have an electronic mail application that uses the Vendor Independent Mail (VIM) protocol and have installed and set up the dynamic-link library (Mapivim.dll) that converts MAPI mail messages to the VIM protocol, you can send Microsoft Access objects to the VIM mail application.

      So have you installed and setup Mapivim.dll?

      • #646792

        No, I get no error message. The memo is created with the addressee, subject line and the report in HTML format nicely pasted into the body of the memo. But then it just sits there and isn’t sent automatically which is what I thought setting the EditMessage argument to False was supposed to do.

        Notes R5 is supposed to be MAPI compliant but there are still issues with MS apps. I will look into the dll you mention and see if that makes a difference. Thanks for the suggestion, Charlotte.

        • #647115


          Here are 3 routines I found somewhere attached as a text file. I use the first one in Access97 with the same version of notes. It uses the false statement but doesn’t seem to use MAPI, as the second routine does.

          I have “Lotus Domino Objects” and “Lotus Notes Automation Classes” set in the references.

          As to why your error, I have no idea, but I hope this is some help to you.


          • #647538

            Thanks Allan!

            I’ve got something similar to the first example. The problem I’m having now is setting who the emails come from. We’ve created a specific mailbox for this operation and I’m now trying to figure out the syntax for setting the sender’s mailbox. Thanks again for sharing!

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