I might as well “fess up” that I know no Visual Basic, and almost no SQL. Until I was given directions to this forum, my only source of help was the help function in Access. Thanks to you kind folks, I succeeded yesterday in completing a query to choose a range of accounts and a department number – or no department number. I also managed to write a macro that resulted in the final query being exported to Excel.
Now my supervisor wants to be able to fill the “Dept number” by selecting a Department by name from a list.
So far I have a Table listing Departments with Department number as the primary field.
A form called Select Departments that has a combo box based on the above table. This box shows the names, not the numbers, but the field Department number is included – just hidden.
Now — how do I even start to build an Event Procedure that will result in the number for the selected Department being inserted into the Query that selects the parameters for the accounts and department? Or is that even what I want to do?