• Seeing battery drain issues on your iPhone?

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    The Apple twitter account is seeing an uptick of folks complaining (**) about the battery drain issue after the latest update to 15.4. My Dad and a Co
    [See the full post at: Seeing battery drain issues on your iPhone?]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2433967

      Seeing battery drain issues on your iPhone?

      I don’t on iPhone 12 Pro Max and iPad Pro both with 15.4 RC.

      After iOS version update it takes ~48 hours for the device to settle down (indexing, removing temp files…).

      Battery drain is usually caused by running hogging none latest iOS compatible apps like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, WhatsApp..


      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2433982

        Battery drain is usually caused by running hogging none latest iOS compatible apps like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, WhatsApp..

        With those peddling socialpedia apps, more like brain drain…

        Battery drain is more than likely attributed to the recent outage due to background connection retries.

        If debian is good enough for NASA...
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      • #2434028

        He’s specifically seeing it ( and the twitter comments seem to back this up) on the latest iPhone model.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2433974

      I’m not having any problems with battery drain on my iPhone 8 Plus, or with iPad 8. Our SE 2020 is pretty active and he’s not reporting any issues with the battery. Like Alex said, the devices do their indexing thing and once the update falls into place everything should run up to speed and get to a normal pace. iOS 15.4 took awhile on our end to update. Partly because of mediocre WiFi speed and because it was a fairly decent size. But in a couple days all equipment was running smoothly.

      MacOS iPadOS and sometimes SOS

    • #2433997

      I don’t have any of the listed apps on my iPhone. I would not expect users here to have those apps as those are ones, IMO, for ignorant and defiant of privacy users.

      I haven’t seen any battery drain. I am getting more and more UNenamored of the iPhone though. I love my Dell computers running Windows 8 Pro and 10 Pro and I don’t care much for other connected tech except my Apple watch which I would like even better if I did not also have to have an iPhone.

    • #2434006

      I have an older iPhone 7; the only thing that seems to drain the battery – alarmingly fast – is the News app.  You can watch the battery drain while you’re using it even if you’re not viewing a news article with sound or video.   It’s a company-supplied phone and other apps like Outlook don’t seem to have that problem.

    • #2433998

      No problems on my iPhone XR running iOS 15.4. And I’ve been running it for days.

    • #2434009

      got an original iPhone SE and a 7, both upgraded to 15.4 without any increased battery drain issues. They do get used a lot

    • #2434022

      Suggested fix: “Try backing it up and totally restoring it (ugh)”

      And blow my Wordle streak?? I’ll live with the battery drain.

    • #2434042

      Noticed this on my iPhone 7 a couple? days ago, same day or day after the 15.4 upgrade landed.  I was a bit surprised to see how low the battery had gotten when I put it to bed (silent + plug in) for the night, but all has seemed well since then.


      Gave it a reboot just for good measure, but I’ll chalk this one up to “housekeeping” and “outage” as suggested by earlier posters.

    • #2434072

      Seems to be OK for some and not others. I’ll wait another week.

    • #2434096

      it depends where your camera lens is positioned 🙂


      If debian is good enough for NASA...
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    • #2434115

      it depends where your camera lens is positioned 🙂


      What do you mean? XR is supported by Apple so why do you not show it?

      Is XR unaffected since it is not a “newer” version? I’ve had 15.4 for 6 days now (thought Saturday was a weird day for Apple to issue the update) and I haven’t noticed a drain.

    • #2434138

      Didn’t notice it (much). Just keep in mind that after a large update, the indexing processes in the background will be working hard for some time. Think also about re-indexing photos etc. Probably this process takes (much) more time on phones with nearly no free storage space anymore. What I often do is power off my phone or tablet after an update has been done and power it on again. First to see if all is ok and if this basic function works.

      in short: to me a busy device (whatever brand, desktop or mobile etc) being busy after an update isn’t weird. Check what Windows is doing after ‘only’ booting: the first 10 minutes it’s going nuts with all kinds of whatevers. After an update often longer.

      Just wait a few hours or a day and keep a charger at hand. It will be ok then. Us users seem to be extremely spoiled…

    • #2434192

      Have to see about drainage on my iPhone 13 after updating to 15.4 just now, but the update did reset my (don’t) ‘Allow apps to request to track’. Not happy about that.

    • #2434305

      Seems like my wife sees the battery drain issue whenever she has had an iPhone for about two years.

      Group "L" (Linux Mint)
      with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
    • #2434379

      Have to see about drainage on my iPhone 13 after updating to 15.4 just now, but the update did reset my (don’t) ‘Allow apps to request to track’. Not happy about that.

      One day later: no battery drainage noticed till now, but I’m not a heavy social media user.

      Another thing: my iPhone 13 reboots very very quickly now!


    • #2434544

      Battery drain is usually caused by running hogging none latest iOS compatible apps like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Snapchat, YouTube, WhatsApp..

      6 months after the release of iOS 15 and WhatsApp still isn’t iOS 15 compatible ( a new beta version may)

    • #2434583
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