• Security update for Secure Boot DBX can be skipped (KB4535680)

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    Security update for Secure Boot DBX can be skipped (KB4535680) Just a heads up – this  will be in the Plus newsletter later on this weekend but due to
    [See the full post at: Security update for Secure Boot DBX can be skipped (KB4535680)]

    Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

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    • #2334824

      Susan, does your VM host machine (that took KB4535680) have Bitlocker enabled and used for any of the partitions where the VM images are stored?

      Did that machine use UEFI Secure Boot or legacy boot mode?


      ~ Group "Weekend" ~

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      • #2334829

        It does not have bitlocker enabled.  Like most modern servers, it does support secure boot.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

        2 users thanked author for this post.
        • #2335987

          Well, we rolled the dice and followed your recommendation to shut down the VM’s, and set them to NOT restart automatically, installed the update, rebooted twice with about a 20 minute pause between the reboots to let the TrustedInstaller stop it’s background stuff.

          Reset the VM’s back to autostart, and started them . . .  and everything is good.

          Note that because we run our DC’s in VM’s, we made sure we had a local admin account with console login privileges for the host server. (In theory it should have been okay – but juuust in case.)

          Thanks for the heads up!

          ~ Group "Weekend" ~

    • #2334828

      As we have no need for HyperV (disabled in services) no issues encountered in Win8.1 Pro x64 on three devices (mixture of legacy and UEFI/ no bitlocker activated).
      kb4535680 was offered via WU post SMQR kb4598285 and weighed around 90kb.
      No nuclear ‘weopons’ or state secrets, yet 🙂

      If debian is good enough for NASA...
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    • #2334837

      I have hidden it on my main driver Win8.1 machine.
      Intend to do the same on all Win8.1 and various versions of Win10 when I update them.

      Who tests this stuff???

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      • #2334878

        Who tests this stuff???

        I think it was tested, and they know it breaks things, beause the KB article tells you how to avoid the problems. Which is not a whole lot of use after the fact.

        It took me some time to figure out that I should not have a problem with it, because while it tells you which policy items to check, it is far from complete in describing where to look.

        At any rate, it has led me to do a full system image even before I read this on AskWoody, just in case. (I’m guilty of not doing this very often for the affected PC – it’s more or less a backup for my secondary system, and happens to be the only one with 8.1.)

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        • #2334887

          In my not so humble opinion I think the issue is that it’s tested all by itself and not via WU or WSUS and thus not with the interaction of the OTHER updates.  It may have been fine all by itself, but with the other main update it’s barfing.

          Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

          1 user thanked author for this post.
          • #2334990

            It may have been fine all by itself, but with the other main update it’s barfing.

            Very likely true. I’ve gone ahead and applied it, on its own, and encountered no problem, but there again, my system didn’t meet the criteria for breakage. (Not that I 100% trusted the KB notes to be correct.)

            Windows update is perfectly capable of applying fixes in the right order, one by one if necessary, but they just didn’t bother with this one.

            (FWIW I’m still holding off applying the rest of this month’s patches. Just wanted to get this one behind me while I have a fresh system image.)

            2 users thanked author for this post.
    • #2334889

      Did anyone notice that KB4535680 ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4535680/security-update-for-secure-boot-dbx ) looks like essentially the same as the 2020-02 secure boot update KB4524244 ( https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/4524244/security-update-for-windows-10-february-11-2020 ) that was pulled before? The timestamps and file sizes for Dbxupdate.bin, etc. for e.g. 1809 and 1903/9 match in those articles. The notable differences in the articles are: only for x64 (no 32-bit version) and no update for EOL (1703/1709) versions. The server 2012/windows 8.1 updates are also merged into the same article as win10 (previously it was a separate KB).

      Unless the newer servicing stack fixes something or BIOS/UEFI updates were installed, it would seem that people that had issues with the February 2020 version would be likely to have the same issues again.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
      • #2335035

        It’s an update of the same patch,  they are including additional bootloader fixes.

        Susan Bradley Patch Lady/Prudent patcher

    • #2336001

      KB4535680 is also being offered thru WU to old PCs using legacy BIOS (non-UEFI) chips, Susan.
      I did a recent WU check on an old non-uefi based desktop PC running Win10 x64 v1909 to confirm this.

      definitely hide/skip/block this update

      • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by EP.
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