• Security Issue with macro (2003)


    I am having an issue with a macro. I created it in 2003. It works on my computer. I sent to contract person, and they are getting an error message. I had created on one worksheet and forget to copy with the one I emailed. That problem is resolved. Now, he gets the security warning. He has changed his setting but still gets the “Macros are disabled because the security level is set to High and a digitally signed Trusted Certificate is not attached to the macros. To run the macros, change the security level to a lower (not recommended), or request the macros be sgined by the author using a certificate issued by a Certificate Authority” error message.

    What else can I do?


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    • #1119658

      It looks like the user’s macro security is still set to High, or else (s)he hasn’t closed and reopened the workbook with the macro after changing the macro security level.
      The correct sequence is:
      – Close the workbook containing the macro.
      – Select Tools | Macro | Security…
      – Select Medium, and click OK.
      – Open the workbook containing the macro.
      – The user should get a warning that the workbook contains macros, and click the button Enable Macros.

    • #1119811

      Further to Hans’ recommendation, after the user has opened the file in the Medium Security mode they can self certify the code as described here.

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