Hi Everyone…
I’m trying to help a colleague complete an Access db application but it’s kinda like the blind leading the blind at the moment… so I’m here for help!
Here’s what we want to do… Secure the database … creating 3 different groups of users… My friend doesn’t like the fact that users with lesser access get bombarded with Access’ messages when they click on things in the interface that they are not allowed to do…. My thought was to secure the db, split it, and then create three different front-ends… all linked to a central back-end db…. Each Front-end can be customized to show only the controls, forms, etc that the current user is allowed to see… I think this will work well… and if workgroup file is attached then if the user happens to find and try to use the other Front-ends on the network (with more access… such as the Developer group front end – full control of everything) they will still only be able to access what their group allows… They’ll get lots of messages when they try to get where they shouldn’t, but it’s still secured…
I hope that makes sense…
My question is that I need to know what the best order to complete this is…. Should we complete the security of the database and then create and join the new workgoup file to the full database BEFORE we try and split it? … or … well… how does it work for split db’s?… Can’t say that I’ve had to do this before… Does he have to secure each front-end and the back-end separately?