• Second round of cumulative updates for Win10 1607 and 1703, plus previews, just hit

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    • This topic has 9 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 7 years ago.

    From @abbodi86: Updates are out — 2018-02 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1607 (KB4077525) – that’s the second cumulative update in the past
    [See the full post at: Second round of cumulative updates for Win10 1607 and 1703, plus previews, just hit]

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    • #169648

      Then we can safely skip this update?

      • #169666

        We’re still at MS-DEFCON 2. There’s no pressing reason to install ANY of this month’s patches.

        1 user thanked author for this post.
        • #169674

          I see, that’s a relief to hear.

    • #169650

      Lucky I kept an eye out today and made sure Windows update service is disabled and stopped after I hid the updates. 🙂 Thanks for the save again Woody

    • #169659

      Windows 10 updates did not reach WSUS yet, i don’t know if they offered through WU or just catalog site

      1709 cumulative will likely hit tomorrow or on tuesday

      1 user thanked author for this post.
      • #169664

        they are offered through WU , at least for 1703

    • #169688

      Oh boy. Wonder why 1709 didn’t get a second cumulative update?

      Shsssssh dont remind them I am still waiting, cant say with baited breath, for the last fiasco here. Set your update settings folks, if you can, its real peace of mind to let the “smoke clear” before you get offered M$’s little errant gifts 😉

    • #169732

      It seems 1703 update KB4077528 is only offered to en-us systems through Windows Update
      so it’s half fiasco

      still, a little note in the KB article will be required for non-WU users

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • #169882

      I just realized that I subscribe to 31 computer and tech RSS Feeds, and the AskWoody and Computer World Feeds (Woody’s article) are the only sites I’ve seen, so far, that have even mentioned this month’s second round of cumulative updates for Win10 1607 and 1703, plus previews. What could this mean? Do they really think that if they don’t mention it, no one will notice? If so, why?

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