I wrote a script that uninstalls all installed versions of Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 telemetry-related updates KB2952664, KB2976978, and KB2977759. I have tested that it works for KB2952664 on Windows 7. Credit for basic idea: https://www.ghacks.net/2015/04/17/how-to-remove-windows-10-upgrade-updates-in-windows-7-and-8/#comment-3934849.
1. Press download button at https://pastebin.com/iqPiu3iU and save it.
2. Move the file saved in step 1 to desired location, rename it to desired name, and change file extension to .cmd.
3. Open elevated command prompt.
4. Use cd command to change to folder location of file from step 2.
5. Type name of file from step 2 and press Enter key to run it.