• Screen capture software


    Four options for screen capture software that may be of interest.


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    • #1138176


      I see there are some other suggestions in the comments to the blog post, but no one mentions IrfanView, which is my choice. Actually I use IView for viewing images, but it serves many other purposes, such as rotating, batch-resizing/resampling, and yes, image capturing. Just press “c” and a dialog box will pop up with some options for you to choose what you want to capture.

      What’s more, I keep using old version 3.85, which doesn’t even require an install grin.

      • #1138181

        Its always good when others chime in with their recommendations.


        • #1138208

          Oh boy, if you search The Lounge you’ll find that this is a frequently mentioned topic. I don’t know about those in your link since I do already use one called FastStone Screen Capture that was mentioned in the comments at your link. It was recommended here in The Lounge (no longer free, but worth every penny!), along with SnagIt which is often mentioned.

          • #1138420

            Hi Al,

            Yes I know. I thought that it would not hurt to have a few more to try.


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