• Screen Capture Programs


    When I made [post=”781520″]Post 781520[/post] in another thread, I thought once again about all the programs that have been mentioned in the past here in The Lounge for capturing screenshots, aside from the obvious like Paint or Irfanview. Finding such a list is difficult because so many programs get mentioned in so many threads that searching becomes a monumental task.

    Here’s your chance to build a screenshot “FAQ” of sorts by listing YOUR favorite program.

    I’ll start with three that are NOT free but worth every penny that the writer charges:
    [indent]FastStone Screen Capture – The Best Screen Capture Software (I’m biased because this is my current choice and the least expensive of the three I show)

    HandySnap – one of the best screen capture programs. Extremely handy!

    Screen Capture | Snagit | Screen capture software by TechSmith
    [/indent]What would YOU like to add to this list?

    Viewing 11 reply threads
    • #1166365

      I am very happy with the version of Faststone screen capture. The last freeware version was V5.3 and this can be downloaded from a number of sites, including aplusfreeware.

      • #1173415

        I am very happy with the version of Faststone screen capture. The last freeware version was V5.3 and this can be downloaded from a number of sites, including aplusfreeware.

        I would like to say a big thanks to all who posted suggestions in this thread as what I have learned makes capturing screen shots or part of one so much easier than using the Prt Scr key on the keyboard then using Photo Editor to save as a jpg. The one I at random plumped for was that suggested by StuartR which I -as a silver surfer that gropes with this IT stuff constantly- found so user friendly. I don’t doubt that some of the others are just as easy to use but as the one below seems to do what I want, I think I will stick with it. By the way gents, where can the imoticon of the man bashing his head with a hammer be accessed? [Can’t see it on the lounge selection] Many thanks gentlemen. Dave.

        • #1173418

          Skitterbug posted an attachment listing the smileys in [post=”762559″]Post 762559[/post], and Jefferson Scher created illustrated versions attached to [post=”762564″]Post 762564[/post] in the same topic.

        • #1173428

          … By the way gents, where can the imoticon of the man bashing his head with a hammer be accessed? [Can’t see it on the lounge selection] …

          Check out Index of Smilies. The one you’re asking about is STUPIDME.GIF. You can scroll the list, click one and see if it’s the one you want before you “copy” the link to it.

      • #1183574

        I have just tested the freeware version of Faststone capture with Windows 7 and successfully captured a scrolling window from Internet Explorer 8. I wasn’t expecting it to work flawlessly, so I was pleasantly surprised.

    • #1166367

      I use SnagIt as my primary, but also like “Graphic Workshop Pro” from Alchemy
      There are many graphic programs from this developer.
      From what I can see it is similar to Irfanview

    • #1166406

      On most of my machines I use a OLD copy of “Printscreen 2000” which is now not free but a newer version.
      On the Vista and Windows 7 machines, I use “Snipping Tool” that comes with the OS.

      DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
      Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

    • #1166425

      I use Hypersnap http://www.hyperionics.com/ for the last 7 years now with great satisfaction. The program is not freeware but all updates are free. Occasionally there is a new version for which some additional payment has to be made.

      Regards, Teunis

    • #1166435

      I use SnagIt and have for quite some time. I also have a little screen capture utility called, “Namo Capture” which came with “Namo Web Editor”… very basic but does what it’s designed to do. And I have occasionally used the Vista “Snipping Tool” which is hardly impressive. Methinks, however, that as robust as SnagIt is with features it is getting rather bloated as of late and thus more difficult/time consuming to use. If the trend continues I may abandon it and try one of the myriad other alternatives.

    • #1166533

      [indent]What would YOU like to add to this list?

      HOVERSNAP Version 8. Used it for years.[/indent]

    • #1166623

      I use the last freeware version of HandySnap.

    • #1167062

      Morning all

      For my occassional use I have the free MW Snap which seems to do most things I need. Can anybody tell me if any of the other programs mentioned above can scroll a page and the capture it. For example, on my laptop I may want to capture a whole A4 page but shrinking it and then capturing it sometimes produces graphics which when enlarged again are distorted?

      • #1167068

        Snagit, FastStone Capture and Hyperionics HyperSnap can all capture a scrolling window such as a web page or Word document.

        • #1167070

          Snagit, FastStone Capture and Hyperionics HyperSnap can all capture a scrolling window such as a web page or Word document.

          Hi Hans

          Thanks for the heads up

        • #1174549

          Snagit, FastStone Capture and Hyperionics HyperSnap can all capture a scrolling window such as a web page or Word document.

          It was a little hard to follow the thread, but I decided to try Irfanview, which is familiar, and I am still struggling.

          What I want is a full display (both scroll right and scroll down) of the details view of Revo Uninstall, which will give me a full inventory of all installed programs. This is under XP Home, which I haven’t much for some time. I want it once and only once, so freeware or trial is preferable. I may just transcribe it from the table to Word, since the programs for which I need the data are limited, but that strikes me as an example many might have a use for. (For all I know Revo has it built in.)

          • #1174551

            It was a little hard to follow the thread, but I decided to try Irfanview, which is familiar, and I am still struggling.

            What I want is a full display (both scroll right and scroll down) of the details view of Revo Uninstall, which will give me a full inventory of all installed programs. This is under XP Home, which I haven’t much for some time. I want it once and only once, so freeware or trial is preferable. I may just transcribe it from the table to Word, since the programs for which I need the data are limited, but that strikes me as an example many might have a use for. (For all I know Revo has it built in.)

            I have used Ashampoo
            Magical Snap 2
            Now Snap 3

            There is a free registration key for Magical Snap 2

            BTW I have enjoyed this topic.

          • #1174552

            What I want is a full display (both scroll right and scroll down) of the details view of Revo Uninstall, which will give me a full inventory of all installed programs. This is under XP Home, which I haven’t much for some time. I want it once and only once, so freeware or trial is preferable. I may just transcribe it from the table to Word, since the programs for which I need the data are limited, but that strikes me as an example many might have a use for. (For all I know Revo has it built in.)

            I had a look at Revo and it appears that a “save report to file” feature is sadly missing. I managed to do a vertically (only) scrolling capture of the window, using SnagIt (commercial software). There are a couple of things that come to mind. First, do you want a text copy or just a picture?

            In order to capture all the columns, it might be possible to temporarily change your screen resolution as well as manually drag column widths to “best fit”, as in Excel. Also, have you taken a look at Belarc Advisor – Free Personal PC Audit? It may not provide all the info you’re after, but does save a report to HTML file.

            If you want, I’ll have a further play with Revo and see what I can concoct.


            • #1174555

              I had a look at Revo and it appears that a “save report to file” feature is sadly missing. I managed to do a vertically (only) scrolling capture of the window, using SnagIt (commercial software). There are a couple of things that come to mind. First, do you want a text copy or just a picture?

              In order to capture all the columns, it might be possible to temporarily change your screen resolution as well as manually drag column widths to “best fit”, as in Excel. Also, have you taken a look at Belarc Advisor – Free Personal PC Audit? It may not provide all the info you’re after, but does save a report to HTML file.

              If you want, I’ll have a further play with Revo and see what I can concoct.


              I think this is an example of a problem that may arise in any number of contexts that lend themselves to poster-sized displays. Revo just happens to give a highly detailed account of exactly what you have, and if you adjust the columns properly the result is picture-perfect. For that reason it may be something we can kick around a bit to see just what the various programs are capable of.

              One possible solution, if you want a printout, is to gather a collection of images, print them, and then literally cut and paste (= tape) the printed output to provide a single sheet. As you pointed out, many or most programs have a feature that will let you print straight from the program, but Revo is freeware to begin with, and a superb example at that. The normal output for something like AutoCad is going to be drawing size in hard copy.

              In my present case, the simplest answer is to resort to pen and pad. I want certain data (for migration purposes to Win 7) so it’s no big deal, but there are certainly printers that are capable of poster-sized printouts, and you don’t have to buy one to to use it; the price per print at the local print facility makes occasional use worthwhile.

          • #1174559

            It was a little hard to follow the thread, but I decided to try Irfanview, which is familiar, and I am still struggling.

            Huh? As you can see from the list of programs that you quote, IrfanView, respectable as it may be, is NOT among those that can capture a scrolling window.
            FastStone Capture (including the last free version) can capture a scrolling window with both horizontal and vertical scroll bars into a single large picture.

            • #1174561

              Huh? As you can see from the list of programs that you quote, IrfanView, respectable as it may be, is NOT among those that can capture a scrolling window.
              FastStone Capture (including the last free version) can capture a scrolling window with both horizontal and vertical scroll bars into a single large picture.

              All done in the blink of an eye.

              My apologies and my thanks to Hans and to Stuart. The program works superbly, it does precisely what I wanted done, and it did so in a matter of minutes after I read Hans’s post and installed it. I think my problem was that I interpreted the post regarding Irfanview to apply this condition, as it was subsequent to the others. This is a new-to-me and extremely valuable utility.

            • #1174568

              I try to keep the number of utilities on my PC to a minimum, but I find Faststone Capture so useful that I’ve paid for the registered version.

            • #1174588

              I try to keep the number of utilities on my PC to a minimum, but I find Faststone Capture so useful that I’ve paid for the registered version.

              The last ware version will also capture the full extents of the Revo report window.
              Download FastStone Capture 5.3
              Download FastStone Capture 5.3 portable


            • #1174590

              The last freeware version will also capture the full extents of the Revo report window.

              Yes, I did mention that in post #24 in this topic.

            • #1174593

              Yes, I did mention that in post #24 in this topic.

              So you did! And now we have the download links ‘n all!


            • #1174602

              So you did! And now we have the download links ‘n all!


              I provided a download link in post #2 of this topic

            • #1174606

              I provided a download link in post #2 of this topic

              I used the post #2 link.

              Hans and Stuart have raised a subject that should be a new thread, but that I will mention here where it might get some attention: Stickware.

              Many programs are available as stand-alone affairs that can be saved to a stick, and given the capacity and prices of sticks these days it might be worth compiling a list of such programs. Hans doesn’t like many utilities on his computer, but there is no need to have this program on the computer. It can reside on a stick, along with a large number of other utilities. I am referring to a normal stick, not a U3, although there is a place for those as well. We might have a separate stick for online use, with the stick (non-U3) version of RoboForm, for example, and another for programs. One of many benefits is that you only need to buy one licence for multiple computers if you are a single user like me. I suggest we start a list.

            • #1174608

              Such software is often called “portable”. If you search this forum for portable you’ll find several topics dealing with portable software.

            • #1174643

              I provided a download link in post #2 of this topic

              Me also in post #9 of this topic. Download links abound!


            • #1174613

              FastStone Capture (including the last free version) can capture a scrolling window with both horizontal and vertical scroll bars into a single large picture.

              As I’m sure you remember, I too use FastStone Capture (latest version) and I clipped a nice picture of the Revo screen, both vertical and horizontal scroll, as a test. I’ll do it again when I receive my “official” copy of Windows 7. It should prove very helpful in jogging this old guy’s memory!

              As an aside, I also tried Belarc and it’s list is not as “nice and clean” as FastStone’s although I didn’t try to compare it to Revo.

              I also found a script at VBScript Tools by Bill James (a MS MVP; about halfway down, called “List Installed Programs”) that makes a very nice list, but it’s got a LOT more entries than shown in Revo. Might be registry “garbage” since I don’t like to use registry cleaners.

            • #1174640

              As I’m sure you remember, I too use FastStone Capture (latest version) and I clipped a nice picture of the Revo screen, both vertical and horizontal scroll, as a test. I’ll do it again when I receive my “official” copy of Windows 7. It should prove very helpful in jogging this old guy’s memory!

              As an aside, I also tried Belarc and it’s list is not as “nice and clean” as FastStone’s although I didn’t try to compare it to Revo.

              I also found a script at VBScript Tools by Bill James (a MS MVP; about halfway down, called “List Installed Programs”) that makes a very nice list, but it’s got a LOT more entries than shown in Revo. Might be registry “garbage” since I don’t like to use registry cleaners.

              Thanks to all for the feedback. I might check Gizmo’s list and see how many applications on that are installable on their own, but it needn’t be freeware nor ‘utilities’ for my purposes. I’m just taking a hard look at what I now know enough to call ‘portable’ applications.

    • #1167700

      No one has mentioned Irfanview yet. This is my choice unless more complex editing is required, which is highly unlikely in my case. Just press “c” to get prompted with the capture options.

    • #1174578

      A postscript. Since I’ve used Revo for a long time and it WOULD be a nice tool in making the Gold version clean install of Windows 7 in October, I’ve written to Vladimir to ask the “export” question, including whether there is a place in the registry or hard drive that Revo stores the list WHILE running. I searched and can’t find anything on my own.

      I know there are lots of ways to get a list, including Belarc, but I kinda like the Revo format. So, I’ll let you know if he answers…

    • #1174611

      Yeah and it doesn’t have to be a “stick” as you call it. Many “techies” keep a toolbox CD or DVD of portable tools they use frequently, especially those who are out and about for one reason or another.

      I have mine on a CD (I keep it in the car!) …

    • #1193781

      A week ago I was wanting to do some screen captures to use for showing my grown children how to use some basic computer security software, and ended up in this thread. I had never done a screen capture before. After reading through here, and after seeing that the Windows Snip Tool wasn’t going to cut it for me, and that the newest version was Win 7 64-bit compatible, I downloaded the FastStone Capture free trial mentioned above and was absolutely thrilled with both the quality of the screen captures and the ease with which I was immediately able to do exactly what I wanted to do with it. I had also downloaded the tutorial for instructions, but I probably could have figured it out without it. Last night I purchased the family license (lifetime updates for up to 5 computers) and am installing FastStone on both of my machines as well as the new ones my kids are getting for Christmas.

      I’m relating all of this for two reasons: to thank those who posted above with good recommendations about this software, and to encourage future readers of this thread to give the free trial a go.


      • #1193894

        After reading through here, and after seeing that the Windows Snip Tool wasn’t going to cut it for me, and that the newest version was Win 7 64-bit compatible,

        What is it that snipping tool can not do for you?

        DaveA I am so far behind, I think I am First
        Genealogy....confusing the dead and annoying the living

        • #1197631

          What is it that snipping tool can not do for you?

          Actually, it wasn’t a matter of the snipping tool not doing what I wanted to do, but rather that I felt that the quality of the screen captures was poor. I should have chosen my words better.

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