• Saving Messages


    Outlook 2000 SR1
    Some of your articles recently have been dealing with the way Outlook integrates with other members of the Office family, notably Word, and the mail merge feature. I have a question about the way it co-operates with Explorer.

    If I have several messages in a folder called for instance

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    • #510035

      1) what happens when you drag and drop to explorer? oh – the messages all have the same name? either manually rename or use Exlife (http://www.ornic.com[/url%5D and a rule to save them for you, using a unique file name. Exlife may only save as RTF format, not msg, i’m not sure and Exlife isn’t on this machine. (I need to get another copy)
      2) go to http://www.slipstick.com[/url%5D and look for utilities – maybe on the housekeeping page – i think the utility you need is called mail executive (formerly part of clean mail), but read the descriptions, i could be wrong – it saves outlook mail to windows explorer

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