• Saving format changes to .csv file (2000 SR-1)

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    I’m using VBA within Access, to create .csv files from temporary querydef recordsets… I create the file, then have to open the file and change the formatting to two columns, save and close the workbook (preferrably without prompting the user)… Everything is working fine until the workbook closes… The format changes are not being saved… If I step through the code it does make the changes required, but it isn’t changed when I re-open the file later… and it keeps prompting me asking me if it should replace the existing file… I’ve tried setting DisplayAlerts to False, no luck… I’ve tried using SaveAs, no luck… I’m missing something here… Can someone help me?
    Here’s the code I’ve got so far… (and please feel free to help me clean it up if I’m doing something silly… I’m not the best at using Excel VBA within Access yet)

    Sub FormatCSVs(strFile As String)
    On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs

    Dim xApp As Object
    Dim wbkJournal As Workbook

    Set xApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
    xApp.Visible = True
    On Error Resume Next
    xApp.UserControl = True

    Set wbkJournal = xApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

    xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns(“A:A”).NumberFormat = “yyyy-mm-dd”
    xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns(“E:E”).NumberFormat = “0.00”
    xApp.ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

    Exit Sub

    MsgBox Err.Number & ” – ” & Err.Description
    Resume Exit_FormatCSVs
    End Sub

    As always… TIA!!

    Viewing 5 reply threads
    • #709384

      Hi Trudi,

      One problem might be that you don’t release the object memory by setting the objects to Nothing. A minor point is that Excel doesn’t need to be visible, and UserControl doesn’t need to be set to True; this shouldn’t prevent the workbook from being saved, however. Finally, I would refer to the workbook explicitly. Modified code follows below; I recommend restarting your computer before testing it, to remove residus of unreleased objects from memory.

      Sub FormatCSVs(strFile As String)
      ‘ Declare types explicitly if you have a reference
      ‘ to the Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.
      ‘ Otherwise, declare both As Object
      Dim xApp As Excel.Application
      Dim wbkJournal As Excel.Workbook

      On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs

      ‘ Start Excel invisibly
      Set xApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
      ‘ Open workbook
      Set wbkJournal = xApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

      ‘ Modify format
      With wbkJournal.ActiveSheet
      .Columns(“A:A”).NumberFormat = “yyyy-mm-dd”
      .Columns(“E:E”).NumberFormat = “0.00”
      End With
      ‘ Close and save workbook
      wbkJournal.Close SaveChanges:=True

      ‘ Clean up
      On Error Resume Next
      Set wbkJournal = Nothing
      Set xApp = Nothing
      Exit Sub

      ‘ Inform user
      MsgBox Err.Number & ” – ” & Err.Description
      ‘ Always clean up, even if error occurred
      Resume Exit_FormatCSVs
      End Sub

      • #709766

        Thanks Hans… but it didn’t work…
        I still got prompted to save again… and the formatting didn’t save… frown

      • #709767

        Thanks Hans… but it didn’t work…
        I still got prompted to save again… and the formatting didn’t save… frown

    • #709385

      Hi Trudi,

      One problem might be that you don’t release the object memory by setting the objects to Nothing. A minor point is that Excel doesn’t need to be visible, and UserControl doesn’t need to be set to True; this shouldn’t prevent the workbook from being saved, however. Finally, I would refer to the workbook explicitly. Modified code follows below; I recommend restarting your computer before testing it, to remove residus of unreleased objects from memory.

      Sub FormatCSVs(strFile As String)
      ‘ Declare types explicitly if you have a reference
      ‘ to the Microsoft Excel 9.0 Object Library.
      ‘ Otherwise, declare both As Object
      Dim xApp As Excel.Application
      Dim wbkJournal As Excel.Workbook

      On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs

      ‘ Start Excel invisibly
      Set xApp = CreateObject(“Excel.Application”)
      ‘ Open workbook
      Set wbkJournal = xApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)

      ‘ Modify format
      With wbkJournal.ActiveSheet
      .Columns(“A:A”).NumberFormat = “yyyy-mm-dd”
      .Columns(“E:E”).NumberFormat = “0.00”
      End With
      ‘ Close and save workbook
      wbkJournal.Close SaveChanges:=True

      ‘ Clean up
      On Error Resume Next
      Set wbkJournal = Nothing
      Set xApp = Nothing
      Exit Sub

      ‘ Inform user
      MsgBox Err.Number & ” – ” & Err.Description
      ‘ Always clean up, even if error occurred
      Resume Exit_FormatCSVs
      End Sub

    • #709404

      Try explicitely saving the file. The following has several changes.

      Sub FormatCSVs(strFile As String)
          On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs
      Dim xApp As Object
      Dim wbkJournal As Workbook
          Set xApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
          xApp.Visible = True
          On Error Resume Next
          xApp.UserControl = True
          Set wbkJournal = xApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)
          On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs
          If Not wbkJournal Is Nothing Then
              xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
              xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns("E:E").NumberFormat = "0.00"
              Application.DisplayAlerts = False
              Application.DisplayAlerts = True
          End If
          Set wbkJournal = Nothing
          Set xApp = Nothing
          Exit Sub
          MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
          Resume Exit_FormatCSVs
      End Sub
      • #709772

        Thanks Legare… Using your procedure I didn’t get prompted on save….
        However, the formatting still didn’t save… frown

        • #709865

          If you want the formatting to save, then you can not save it as a .CSV file. CSV files are basically text files with commas between data values. There is no way to save the formatting. You will have to use SaveAs and change the file type to .xls to save the formatting.

          • #710063

            I know what you’re saying Legare… but check this out…

            The reason I needed to do this is that the corporate brokerage I work for decided to start using this third party journal posting program (Say bye-bye to a few data entry employees… ) We have to import batch data into the program through .csv files… They provided .csv “business event” templates for me to use, but the data has to be in proper format for the import to work… I know these are essentially comma delimited text files but there’s definitely something different about them that I don’t understand…

            I was playing with it again yesterday, and it turns out that the data is actually saved in the right format using a mix of Hans and your code… The weird thing is that if you open the file (after saving and closing) in Excel it doesn’t show the changes, but if I import the data it works… If I do not do the “change formatting and save” part of the code, the data does not import… Strange, but true…

            I even tested this by opening the .csv file in Notepad both with and without doing the formatting/saving… The data shows different…

            I guess I was worried over nothing… Go figure… As long as it works right? smile

            Thanks again for everyone’s help!

          • #710064

            I know what you’re saying Legare… but check this out…

            The reason I needed to do this is that the corporate brokerage I work for decided to start using this third party journal posting program (Say bye-bye to a few data entry employees… ) We have to import batch data into the program through .csv files… They provided .csv “business event” templates for me to use, but the data has to be in proper format for the import to work… I know these are essentially comma delimited text files but there’s definitely something different about them that I don’t understand…

            I was playing with it again yesterday, and it turns out that the data is actually saved in the right format using a mix of Hans and your code… The weird thing is that if you open the file (after saving and closing) in Excel it doesn’t show the changes, but if I import the data it works… If I do not do the “change formatting and save” part of the code, the data does not import… Strange, but true…

            I even tested this by opening the .csv file in Notepad both with and without doing the formatting/saving… The data shows different…

            I guess I was worried over nothing… Go figure… As long as it works right? smile

            Thanks again for everyone’s help!

        • #709866

          If you want the formatting to save, then you can not save it as a .CSV file. CSV files are basically text files with commas between data values. There is no way to save the formatting. You will have to use SaveAs and change the file type to .xls to save the formatting.

      • #709773

        Thanks Legare… Using your procedure I didn’t get prompted on save….
        However, the formatting still didn’t save… frown

    • #709405

      Try explicitely saving the file. The following has several changes.

      Sub FormatCSVs(strFile As String)
          On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs
      Dim xApp As Object
      Dim wbkJournal As Workbook
          Set xApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
          xApp.Visible = True
          On Error Resume Next
          xApp.UserControl = True
          Set wbkJournal = xApp.Workbooks.Open(strFile)
          On Error GoTo Err_FormatCSVs
          If Not wbkJournal Is Nothing Then
              xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns("A:A").NumberFormat = "yyyy-mm-dd"
              xApp.ActiveSheet.Columns("E:E").NumberFormat = "0.00"
              Application.DisplayAlerts = False
              Application.DisplayAlerts = True
          End If
          Set wbkJournal = Nothing
          Set xApp = Nothing
          Exit Sub
          MsgBox Err.Number & " - " & Err.Description
          Resume Exit_FormatCSVs
      End Sub
    • #709548

      if your file really is a csv, then in essence it is a textfile and not an excel file, meaning you cannot store formatting (and other stuff) in it.
      so you will need to explicitly set the format of the csv to an excel workbook when you save it.

      • #709774

        Thanks Pieter… I’ll give that a shot…
        If I can’t figure out how to do it, I’ll be back… laugh

      • #709775

        Thanks Pieter… I’ll give that a shot…
        If I can’t figure out how to do it, I’ll be back… laugh

    • #709549

      if your file really is a csv, then in essence it is a textfile and not an excel file, meaning you cannot store formatting (and other stuff) in it.
      so you will need to explicitly set the format of the csv to an excel workbook when you save it.

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