• Running Windows on a Mac

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    There are two ways I know to run Windows on a Mac.

    One uses Mac’s built in boot manager “Bootcamp.” This involves installing MacOS and Windows OS in two different partitions and dual booting the computer to switch between the two systems. You either boot into MacOS or into Windows. It means you can only run one OS at a time and must reboot the computer to run the other OS.
    That can be inconvenient if, in the course of your business, you do your Internet transactions on the Mac, but must use a Windows-specific program regularly at the same time.

    The other way to run Windows on a Mac is in a virtual machine or VM. in this case the OS that runs the computer (host) is the MacOS. The Windows OS (guest) is installed and operates in a large file (think bubble) on the host machine. Both operating systems coexist and can run at the same time without reboot. The MacOS (host) actually runs the machine and the associated hardware. The Windows OS runs in the VM (guest/bubble) and “borrows” the host’s hardware.

    How does that come about?
    Well, you need several prerequisites.

    First, you need a machine capable of the task. In essence, it has to be able to run two computers at once.
    The processor function for this is called virtualization. This will be listed When you look up the specs on the processor.
    Each of the operating systems has a minimum hardware specification – minimum RAM, hard drive space, etc. The computer must meet, at the very minimum, the sum of these requirements. For example, if Win7 requires a minimum of 1GB RAM and the Mac OS requires 4GM RAM, the computer must have at least 5GB (but we know minimum specs are often WAY WAY to low).

    Secondly, you need virtualization software. I use Patallels Desktop for Mac. VMWare Fusion for Mac is another application for this purpose.
    The virtualization software takes the Windows installer (ISO, DVD, flash drive), creates the virtual machine on the host (file, or “bubble,” if you will), and installs the Windows OS in it. It provides the drivers so the Windows OS can communicate with and use the Mac’s hardware and peripherals, sets the guest OS specs such as number of processor cores, hard drive space and RAM dedicated to the VM, and defines how the guest interacts with the host OS otherwise.
    I have to add here, that the Windows OS installed in a VM needs to be a valid licensed copy of the software.

    Once the VM is set up, you can make the choice of how the two OSs interact. My references here are to Parallels Desktop installed on a Mac.
    Most of the time, I like the VM to run in “full screen” mode. I can switch between the Mac desktop and the Windows desktop with a three-finger sideways swipe. Whatever is running in each of the full screen VMs continues running even when it is not the focus. Yesterday evening I was moderating the AskWoody website and playing solitaire on the Mac desktop while I downloaded and installed the Win10 Cumulative Update in a VM.

    Another possible combination is running Windows in a window on the Mac desktop – you choose the size of window. I use this setup when running the legacy Access application in the XP VM because I need simultaneous access to e-mail and the Internet (NOT using XP on the Internet!)

    You can also just run a Windows application directly on the Mac desktop using coherence. The Windows OS runs in the background unseen and the icon for the Windows application sits in the dock on the Mac desktop.

    Because there is not always a Mac equivalent for a Windows program (and visa versa) dual booting and virtualization are ways to have the best of both worlds.

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    • #127821

      That’s a great explanation of ways to use both OS’s………… thank you. Was wondering if it’s possible to hook up an existing computer with Windows without having to go through the hoopla of reinstalling and using the licence (where ever that’s stored on a computer that came with it all on board……… remembering just recently all the talk of OEM’s and Win7) – my current Win7 laptop is an Acer TravelMate bought a few years ago with 8GB ram and 500G of Harddrive. I mostly only have programmes and the Windows OS stored on my harddrive…….. and store my data and backups on external drives which I can access from several devices.

      Given the BSOD’s recently with the Security Update….. my thoughts are that it would appear that quite possibly I will not be able to keep this machine updated….and anyway I’m getting more than a little tired and peeved about the hooha …….. so I’m thinking to perhaps put it behind a wall – away from the internet – but use it….. and use a Mac to go on line.

      My hobby lies in graphic design you might call it…… and I use Corel PSP – not PhotoShop…. so this is something I will need – hence my wanting Win7 – I have a Group that I own…. with some 700 odd members so I need to be able to send these graphics I make to them as well.

      I remember you were speaking of NUC’s sometime ago ……. would that be another way ?
      You can see I’ve got lots of questions!!! BTW when OEM’s and Windows7 were discussed I did
      download the ISO that Woody referred to……. so have it somewhere, but of course without a/the licence.

      Forgive me for overwhelming you with this…. I’m sort of trying to figure the layout that would be the way to go. Thanks again, PK for your invaluable help! Great! LT

      “Imagination means nothing without doing.” – Charlie Chaplin

    • #127824

      Another thought PK, is would you have any thoughts on what sort of a Mac you would buy.
      Know that it probably depends on what you need it for……… but generally…… the rule of
      thumb so to speak…. any thoughts would be appreciated …… from you or anyone else!!!
      thanks. LT

    • #127868

      Lizzy, you could run a MAC and a Windows PC side by side, sharing the monitor, mouse, and keyboard. That would be for the most part like the two operating systems in one computer, especially since both are sharing the same data drive. The only limitation in this approach is that you won’t be able to see both the MAC and Windows screens side by side at the same time, as you would if you had two separate monitors.

      Or, you could set it up so that only the mouse and keyboard are shared. In this way you would see both displays at the same time, while freeing up desk space by using only one mouse and keyboard for both computers.

      If you do things this way, you won’t have to move any licenses, programs, or anything else, and you won’t have to reinstall anything. And if one computer happens to crash, you will still have the other.

      Group "L" (Linux Mint)
      with Windows 10 running in a remote session on my file server
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    • #127873

      That seems an idea that would be effortless really………. good thinking Jim! And thank you for pointing it out to me….. I think on reflection I need to go an easy route without having to change things too much……… so this seems a good way…… at least until I learn and try a bit more, and certainly re the licences etc. Although I have worked on VM’s with Linux….. so that part was easy enough…. but of course the business of finding the relevant licences etc. can be a stumbling block!
      Naturally after having been around computers for a little while one picks up on stuff…… but of course we’re always learning about something or the other…….. and one thing I have learnt is to have a very healthy respect for my computer and NOT muck it up …. if I can help it!!!

      Now a thought comes to mind…… if say a Mac and my Win7 are connected/…… and if the Win7 is not on, but the Mac is…….. that means doesn’t it that when I go on line with the Mac the Win7 is not exposed to the internet. Or would I have to do something else……. remembering all the talk about ports and LAN’s recently. You can see that I’m thinking aloud here!

      But thank you so much again for your help……… I do appreciate it! LT.

      He who asks a question is a fool for five minutes; he who does not ask a question remains a fool forever. – Chinese Proverb

      • #127875

        If the Win computer is not on, it can’t be exposed to the Internet. (Does a car run on the road if it’s not turned on?)

        However. if a computer is on, and it’s Ethernet card or WiFi are working (not disabled) it is connected to the Internet. Just because you are not using a browser to LOOK at the Internet, doesn’t mean that it’s not there. Just look at the network connection icon in the taskbar. If you pause the cursor on it, it says connected. And if you look on a laptop, and have several networks to choose to connect to, imagine how the computer can “see” those other nets.
        (All this, unless you have the computer blocked in the router or have turned off the WiFi.)

        More to come on Windows and Macs. Will try to conjure something on file and printer sharing somewhere among the pro-Mac smoke.

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    • #128131

      I have an Apple computer upon which I have Win10 1607 x64 installed through Parallels. I also use NordVPN (which we have previously discussed) along with Disconnect, which claims to stick its finger in Google’s eye quite often. Normally it seems to work just dandy, but I do have one other issue that you might be able to help me with, if you would, please.

      Whenever I attempt to update my current Win10 I get an error message: “Windows 10 Creators Update Privacy Settings for x64-based Systems (KB4013214) – Error 0x80070643”.

      I have never seen KB4013214 in any of Susan Bradley’s articles. Nor has it ever installed on my system from an earlier time. The first installation failure occurred on July 12 and has failed to install 34 times since then; I keep clicking “Retry” out of blind optimism.

      Whenever I DuckDuckGo the error message or just the error code only, I get information that until this is resolved, I will not be able to update to CU 1703 (perhaps a good thing?) But in order to follow steps to rid this error, I find dialog on resetting the computer. I’m unsure if I really want to do that.

      I am reluctant to do a reset as this sounds like I will need a license key. My license key was for a Win7 installation in Parallels (on this same computer) and I ultimately did the free upgrade to Win10, so I don’t think I have a valid license key for Win 10. If I do a reset, I presume I would have to do a backup prior to said reset followed by a restore afterwards.

      I am tempted to see if the MS Money that came with Win10 would be compatible with my MS Money 2003 that I have used for 14 years (I’m never on line when MS Money is open). If my info would transfer, then I could then move it Quicken for Mac. Legacy Family Tree genealogy software keeps saying that they will have a Mac version out someday. If those things happen, I could dispense with Windows for good.

      For now, I would like to know if there is a quick-and-dirty method to get KB4013214 to install so that I can remain current with Win10 1703?

      While I am never on line with MS Money, I am on line with Legacy.

      Any advice you would have to offer is most certainly appreciated, but only if you have the time to devote to my cause.

      Thank you for your time.

      • #128148

        Back up your Win10 VM – always before you do any upgrade. Copy the .pvm file off onto an external hard drive. It will be a BIG file. If the one on your computer gets messed up, you simply copy the file back where it came from.

        If you want to update to 1703, then try this and let me know if it works

        First, run Disk Cleanup
        Windows Administrative Tools\Disk Cleanup – in the first box click on “Clean up System files”
        Check everything except “Dielivery Optimization files”
        Click OK and agree to delete the files.

        Next, go to Settings\Update and security\Advanced Options and check the box “Defer feature updates”
        Reboot the computer and when it comes up, check for updates.

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